
20 Kasım 2017 Pazartesi


A simple heart, that has gratitude, is the secret. Mankind has forgetten about simplicity. They can't see the beautiful things. Beauty  is omnipresent in The Creation. A sunshine, a blue sky, trees, flowers, bird's songs can please a candid heart. They are God's miracles.

Keep a innocent mind despite all you went through. All you endured was by any means  necessary. Know that never I have been a slave to my Father. The Father and I are one. Islam talks about submission as a slave(kul); I am calling all my true followers " brothers annd sisters". Do not mislead anybody. Keep yourselves clean, stay away from sorcery and fortune tellers. Whatever you do avoid the attitude called arrogance.

A lot of people claim to be mine; I will only justify the ones who are according to my heart. Heaven is represented as a place in the clouds. This is a naive, man-made representation. Heaven is different from all humans knowledge. It is a realm where the pure souls stand permanently with God presence. The reality of this place is unexplainable to human beings. How can you picture of an immense love and peace!  You cannot. Heaven is another dimension.

One must be cleaned from the inside. Pray daily. Never forget praying. Do not tolerate sinful behaviors. Seeing God is a promise to the pure hearts. Very few people are actually have pure hearts even though they are believers. They cannot detach theirselves from material possessions. Greed and obsession with money is to be condemned. Do not let your heart get hardened with them. Never become selfish.

Love is superior to any rule. When you are applying a rule, do it with all your heart and not out of obligation. I did not brake Shabbat to disobey my God but to perform healing. This is to awaken the consciousness of people applying Law in a very rigid manner. There were no love in their hearts. Do not forget "LOVE IS SUPERIOR TO ANY RULE". The biggest law is love. Pride and arrogance kill love. Never be fooled into a unitarian doctrines.  God gave you freedom on this planet in order that you can learn to love. Without freedom and trust there can be no love.

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