
12 Kasım 2018 Pazartesi


All that human's including their emotions are energy. What we have labeled as various emotions is merely our endeavor to classify and label different vibrations of energy that we feel so that we can talk about it with others. 

When you are feeling low energy, you say you are depressed. When you are feeling very malevolent energy, you say you are angry, hateful, or maybe evil. But according to Yeshua, what would you say when you are feeling the highest energy possible?

You would say you are love, or, that you are united with God's holy spirit. I and my Father are One. You just don't align with, but also expand to become a part of.

When you turn and start to rise towards God, to the Source of Light, you start feeling that you are getting away from the worldly desires. Most of you don't like this feeling. At this very stage they will see that they prefer material world. They like world. They like fake power feelings. The like commodities and above all they enjoy watching the genitalia of the opposite gender. This is very absurd.

There is no knowledge in their faith. Actually they don't have any faith at all. They are ignorant of the Divine Truth.

Men's weakest point is lust  for men and for women it is the feeling of insecurity.

Most of the good souls who have failed on earth and gone astray because of sexual lust and worldy desires. Never leave control over your feelings. This world is a place of duality (seperation) whereas our real truth is unity. Death reigns in this world where as life reigns in the real life if gained. 


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