All the moral virtues taught serve to remind us of our real nature, and no spiritual progress can be made without following them. Any attempt to do so would be like trying to build a house without a foundation. Before we even begin to think about how to realize the ultimate truth, we first need to build the groundwork of a real life, one based on real values.
These precepts function as spiritual tools, tools that can be used to create spiritually beneficial habits. These tools aren’t goals that can be instantly achieved—they are ideals to strive for, patterns to emulate. Still, it’s good to remember that when we do use these tools, we grow in strength and move closer to our ideal.
Civilizations, religions, and individuals are all part of this ongoing cycle. The appearance of the avatar is essential to this eternal movement of spiritual decline followed by regeneration.
Spiritual truth is eternal and universal: no particular religion or sect can have a monopoly on it. So, never get bigotted on one religion or other. Yeshua did not bring a new religion. He remind you the universal truth which is unity and the way to achiving it which is love.
One of the most loving things that our Heavenly Father has given us is free will. He created us as humans and gave us the choice to do what we want with our lives, and that includes whether we choose to love Him or not. God didn’t create us to be robots that worshipped Him automatically and without question. He created us with a logical mind that would hopefully see His benevolence and love for us, which would result in us worshipping Him out of love and respect. So who are those religious and/or ideological devils trying to take this free choise away from us given by our Father?
Focus on God's way. Let your eyes be concentrated on this target only. Don't look at other directions. If all the humans focus on God's way I come again, otherwise why should I come to World again? This is out of question.
God, Tanrı, Holy Spirit, Kutsal Ruh, Yeshua, İsa Mesih, Divine Justice, energy, eternal life, second birth, ahiret, faith, inanç, religion, din, dua, prayer, reincarnation, bedenleşme, ruh, soul, freedom, calmness, morality, second death, resurrection, purity, Messiah consciousness, intuation, farkındalık, bilinç, wisdom, understanding, spirituality, repentance, cennet, love, sevgi, unity, cosmos, light, joy, kindness, generosity, awareness, ruhsal mesajlar, maneviyat, divine spirit 2000
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