
12 Kasım 2018 Pazartesi


When you are in a situation where you feel your insides churning, become aware of your reaction to that situation. By observing what is happening in this way, you are in control. You have the power to calm the negative reaction welling up inside you.

Reaction awareness allows you to replace a churning reaction with a calming one. You’ll actually lessen the severity of any negativity that arises.

Use breathing exercises. The most basic is to inhale, then exhale, using the nose, both to the count of four. Yoga enthusiasts will know various breathing exercises they can use or consult a practitioner for the ones that will give you most benefit.

Sit quietly. We are conditioned to thinking we must be doing something every moment of every day. If we’re not sending a text message, we’re “tweeting” or “liking” someone. Just sit and quietly read, practice mindfulness, or enjoy a short time of shut-eye.

Walk or jog outdoors. Choose a place with trees, grass, or flowers, because they send a calming message to the brain.

Have “me” time. You are important so treat yourself as important. Do something you love doing but rarely have (or make) time to do.

Recognize the triggers. Know particular situations in advance when you’re sure you’ll flare up or need calming. Two of mine are feeling very cold, or feeling thirsty and hungry. Know the triggers that create agitation for you, so you can be better prepared.

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