If a man thinks only of his own profit, and tries to benefit himself at the expense of others, he will incur the hatred of Heaven.
Communism was a gigantic façade, and the reality concealed behind it was the sheer drive for power, for total power as an end in itself. The rest was merely instrumental -- a matter of tactics and some necessary self-restrictions to achieve the desired end. Thus rationalism was transformed under communism into the idea of slavery.
There's an inceasing sense in our political life that in both parties politicians call themselves public servants but act like bosses who think that voters work for them. Politicians who jerk around doctors, nurses and health systems call themselves servants, when of course they look more like little kings and queens instructing the grudging peasants in how to arrange their affairs. But in Governments, where the Legislative is in one lasting Assembly always in being, or in one Man, as in Absolute Monarchies, there is danger still, that they will think themselves to have a distinct interest, from the rest of the Community; and so will be apt to increase their own Riches and Power, by taking, what they think fit, from the People. Our rulers are theoretically "our" representatives, but they are busy turning us into the instruments of the projects they keep dreaming up.
Mankind soon learn to make interested uses of every right and power which they possess, or may assume. The public money and public liberty...will soon be discovered to be sources of wealth and dominion to those who hold them; distinguished, too, by this tempting circumstance, that they are the instrument, as well as the object of acquisition. With money we will get men, said Caesar, and with men we will get money.
It is not enough that honest men are appointed Judges. All know the influence of interest on the mind of man, and how unconsciously his judgment is warped by that influence.
Life is a better teacher of virtue than politicians, and most sensible governments in the past left moral faults alone. Instead, democratic citizenship in the twenty-first century means receiving a steam of improving "messages" from authority. Some may forgive these intrusions because they are so well intentioned. Who would defend prejudice, debt, or excessive drinking? The point, however, is that our rulers have no business telling us how to live. They are tiresome enough in their exercise of authority. They are intolerable when they mount the pulpit. We should never doubt that nationalizing the moral life is the first step toward totalitarianism.
In fact, it appears that those who have the most unquestioning belief in their own virtue, from the Capitalists to Commununists, are often those who feel entitled to commit, and do commit, the most abhorant acts against those who oppose them or who have different values.
God, Tanrı, Holy Spirit, Kutsal Ruh, Yeshua, İsa Mesih, Divine Justice, energy, eternal life, second birth, ahiret, faith, inanç, religion, din, dua, prayer, reincarnation, bedenleşme, ruh, soul, freedom, calmness, morality, second death, resurrection, purity, Messiah consciousness, intuation, farkındalık, bilinç, wisdom, understanding, spirituality, repentance, cennet, love, sevgi, unity, cosmos, light, joy, kindness, generosity, awareness, ruhsal mesajlar, maneviyat, divine spirit 2000
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