
20 Şubat 2020 Perşembe


God is the Self-Existing Being Who is not the creature of man's mind or of man's necessities or desires, but is the Creator of all good—even of these wise men who cannot conceive of any God but the mere creature of His Being and Wisdom and Power.

The human mind, when left to itself—that is, to its own evolution, as  scientists say, and not influenced by the revelations of spiritual Truths or the suggestions of spirits who have advanced in knowledge of things beyond the material—has not improved much since the days when men lived and died as sun worshipers, and the worshipers of the sacred cats and bulls and elephants, and of the storms and thunders and lightnings. God was considered to be in all these manifestations, immanent and real, and to be appeased or loved as necessity required. 

It is questionable whether  today's wise men are not more limited in their conception and acceptance of a God than were the earlier uncivilized brothers, although many of the latter saw through science  beyond and behind their sun god (and god of thunders, etc.). The wise men of civilizations have so evolved their intellects that they have lost their soul perceptions. For them no God beyond the horizon of their intellectual perceptions can exist.

Evil thoughts and desires and conceptions in the souls and minds of men which control and govern the  conduct of them that are not in harmony with God's Creations, you can readily see that God cannot be and is not in such souls and minds, nor are His Attributes. In the laws of physical philosophy, two things cannot occupy the same place at the same time. So, as regards spiritual philosophy, we may say that two things cannot occupy the same soul or mind at the same time, especially when they are antagonistic or opposed to each other in their qualities or fundamentals. Until the one vacates its occupancy, the other cannot come in. And this is invariably true of the creatures of God and the creatures of man, for they are always, and under all circumstances, opposed to each other.

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