
15 Şubat 2020 Cumartesi


The truth requires much deeper understanding. Spirituality requires that you ask questions of yourselves first. What am I? but never Who am I? which is ego. Religions are men made and must be abandoned. They require belief in books and locking people`s minds down. Organized religions all over the world are merely politics, nothing else. In fact souls needs constant stimulus with new concepts in order to feel invigorated. In the memory based religions one cannot find this invigoration. Some do exchange holy book`s scriptures as opposed to their own original thinking. The ability to recite scriptures is regarded as the more gifted, not due to originally but the ability to recite script. In reality this is detrimental for people who believes in them. That is not an real mission of an arguing soul and a battle commences with programmed religious mind people who have been taken away from their real mission and with arguing souls.

Without the truth there can be no morality, justice, equality in rights, unity. There can be no eternal birth, no eternal survival without the truth. The wars can only be stop by the truth in minds.

You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Free from all mortal lusts and fear. When illuminated by the truth your heart will be cool and pure and you will have direct contact with God. (This is not a sort of talking with God or hearing inner voice but a direct life energy connection with God which keeps your mind sharper and the heart stronger.). Like the Saints you become a  soldier of God on earth. You become a new holy spirit.

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