
6 Aralık 2020 Pazar


Outside the incarnating context, all beings are 'Souls', broadly speaking and the soul is human when incarnated to a phycical body. The soul enters the physical body upon the first breath of the baby just at the second he or she has been born. Before that time of birth it is a fetus, a part of mother's body, not counted as a seperate human.

Being in that state, compared to the incarnation state, provides for a consciousness that is expanded. You perceive many aspects of existance and reality itself simultaneously, and you perceive them more clearly. While in incarnation, your consciousness is linear, very focused. This is akin to being only able to look forward because your physical eyes are turned forward, while you can't see what is happening behind you. There are things your incarnated consciousness can't see, or at least can't see at the same time.

A human can only perceive some things in a simultaneous manner, for example, when listening to music (multiple instruments and sounds simultaneously), or seeing a painting (multiple colors, elements). Everything else is perceived linearly, like speaking/listening/reading (one word at a time). Outside the incarnated state, however, this limitation is not there. Everything can be perceived simultaneously if you are an awakened soul. As there is no mind with free will there you have to be awakened by the Holy Spirits if you have deserved it during your incarnated life.

Another aspect is that, without a physical body, there is no physical pain or discomfort of any kind. There are also no lower ego impulses, like fears, fobias, the urge to mate, procreate, addictions, or the impulse to evaluate others through their physical/sexual bodies - if you, as a being, went to the Light planes upon death. This because it's perfectly possible for a being to get lost in the lower density planes without returning to Source, and in that case many lower ego impulses remain. Whether a being becomes "lost" or not, it entirely depends upon its own consciousness and the cirsumstances of its departing. The senses you maintain during the last hours previous to your death are of vital importance.

Finally, it's worthy to point out that, regardless of a being "goes to the Light" or becomes "lost", your level of consciousness remains the same. This means you are the same person/being/entity that you are here incarnated. Many aspects of your consciousness may expand, and become clearer, in a non-incarnated state. However, that that it is what you are, remains a constant. This is why, and how, lessons and karmic memories pass on from one life to the next. That is why there is no martyrisation which means nothing changes if you have died in a war although it is a patriotic death.

The incarnated state is extremely difficult precisely because:

1. Your perception is severely limited and exposed to lower ego impulses while the human is here, 

2. You simply forget (from your current point of view) mostly everything before the incarnation moment itself. That memory is not lost, however, it's simply postponed temporarily, kept away from you, and is regained upon de-incarnation.

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