
26 Eylül 2016 Pazartesi


Souls created first and they were perfect as God is perfect and creates only the perfect. There was no meterial worlds then, only perfect souls. The souls had been given freedom to chose so that they act together with God's order with their own free will. Instead some souls created ego and seperated themselves. They committed crimes. Murder, sexual perversions, theft... and had to be erased and were erased after being thoroughly punished. Their remaining root energies became the metarial for universes. Those who unite with God became partaker of Holy Spirit. The ones with light perversions are given the chance to prove themselves in material worlds to be able to unite with God. Not every soul becomes the partaker of the Holy Spirit but lives under duty. The great kings which has given orders for wars and killings for the sake of defending their country do not become a partaker but lives as a soul under duty.

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