
26 Eylül 2016 Pazartesi


All who overcome, and fulfill the Law within themselves, will become the Messiah/Christ -- which Hebrew and Greek words in English means The Anointed Of God.  

And it is this Power of the Anointing that opens the mind to see beyond the cloak of the "outer darkness"  and to the degree that the Anointing can be received, begin the process of being taught by the indwelling Logos/Son of God.

Just as important is the fact that the true meaning of the word Gnostic would have to be understood as that directly imparted Spiritual Knowledge that is the result of overcoming the Laws, and becoming the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) as Yeshua taught.   
For those Anointed souls in the Kingdom of God, there is no judgment and condemnation. There is only universal peace, brotherhood, and unconditional love. We enter the Kingdom of God by maturing spiritually so we are peaceful, brotherly, and loving. To mature spiritually, we must leave behind the desire and expectation for punishment, revenge, rewards for the worthy, and retribution for the unworthy.

It is inconceivable that God retains one of the primary fleshly characteristics that humankind must learn to abandon. Can we imagine the ruler of a country today requiring all citizens to swear allegiance to him and worship him, then committing to a pit of unspeakable horror all those men, women, and children who don't swear allegiance, without opportunity for reprieve, where they are tortured unmercifully with fire and guards that bite their bodies, every day, all day, for the rest of their lives? Of course not. That ruler would be a monster more evil than Idi Amin, Stalin, or Hitler. And yet the religions would have us believe the God Yeshua described is that monster.

Judgment, condemnation, and retribution are spiritually immature attitudes characteristic of a tribal people that wages war with its neighbors, executes people for trivial indiscretions, and cheers when those with whom they disagree are defeated and punished. The religions assigned that immature attitude to the God it created, whom they portray as a ruthless dictator that rules through fear and intimidation, when it should have been helping people mature out of the need to judge and condemn. The sentiments are simply incompatible with spiritual maturity, Yeshua's teachings, and God.

And what person who has merited heaven because of their love and compassion would want to spend every day in eternity knowing a parent, son, daughter, brother, or sister was writhing in pain in a fiery torture chamber and could never be redeemed? What kind of heaven would that be for them to be imagining their loved one's agony every morning when they awoke, and in the silence of every evening when they lay waiting for sleep to give them some relief? It is inconceivable that the God Yeshua described would condemn a parent, son, daughter, brother, or sister to that mental anguish for eternity.

And what sort of universe would it be for those who took to heart Yeshua's teachings and had become loving and compassionate to know that billions of people were in unspeakable agony while they were in heavenly luxury? The universe would, for eternity, contain pain, suffering, and misery, regardless of how mature a heavenly segment was becoming.

And those who were in the torment could never grow to become more compassionate, learning to love others and God. They would have no opportunity for reprieve, even if they changed in outlook and attitude. In fact, the hell thing would perpetuate anger and hatred in the universe as billions of souls cursed God and humanity. It's simply unthinkable for such a concept to be attributed to any God other than that fabricated by a church that itself encouraged the torture and murder of those who disagreed with its teachings.

In the Kingdom of God as Yeshua described it, no person will be judged; none will be unworthy; none will be unloved; none will be unacceptable. Probably the most difficult lesson we will have to learn, and the most persistent worldly characteristic we will have to abandon, is the desire for rewards given to us, who are right, and punishment and retribution inflicted upon them, who are wrong. The suggestion that God would judge humanity, committing the vast majority to eternal torment, is perfectly in character with the medieval church, but diametrically opposite to Yeshua's teaching about the Kingdom of God.

The hell myth is a fiction developed by the church to increase its power and keep the flock under control. It simply never existed.

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