
26 Eylül 2016 Pazartesi


Yeshua was not an essene. He was not together with them. Essenes did not help Yeshua but they were not against Him either. Yeshua was a specially sellected soul by God, to teach us love by living among us. He was already a spiritually resurrected Holy Spirit before coming to earth for us.  He was born in a very special body for messianic purpose. Because He borned from the woman He was called the son of man, but His DNA s was not of this world. That is why His body was taken from this world. Also there will be no second bodily messianic coming. He is already together with those who believe in him and near to everybody who will turn his face to light. He also comes and goes to earth for healing spiritually.

Lets absorb Yeshua's words and internalize His life. He is our candle, our guide and beloved brother.

To become a part of the Holy Spirit...There is only one way for that holy target.

The way Yeshua lived and showed us. The broadest and straightest way. There is no other alternative. This is the most illuminated and the shortest way. The direct way.

This is the only way...

So we must unite under Yeshua's holy guidance and walk together with him. We must fully understand and live like him. Not like the so called neo-pagan christians but Yeshua himself.


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