
26 Eylül 2016 Pazartesi


The Whole Truth is revealed throughout one’s whole journey and throughout the whole of time. The Whole Truth is revealed in your relationship with the Divine and in your relationship with the whole manifestation of the Divine. The Whole Truth is experienced and learned in your explorations with the Whole.

Desiring to understand everything at once is one of the greatest mistakes that human beings make; believing that one can conceive of the inconceivable (immediately). You continue to think that you can understand the inconceivable Whole Truth in a moment, in a word, in a concept that is in and of itself—and of its own nature—limited by nature.

The Conflict of The Ignorant.

The only real conflict between science and religion is seen in the fact that the multitude of scientists fail to comprehend the true depth of science, and the vast majority of religious people in the world fail to comprehend the true depth of their own religion.   And for purely political reasons, this prevailing junk-science is taught to our children in schools, while spiritually disenfranchised dogma is preached to the people in the churches.   Enlightened people are the few who know that once the depth of both science and religion is revealed to the mind, that all Creation becomes One Unified Thought and Expression.  

As for the truth, there is only one. The God. Source of Light and Love. When souls were created they were seeing and talking with the Source Almighty. However due to the free will which had been given to souls, they devoloped ego and made the one into two. Seperation had began. All we are struggling to achive now is to return to oneness, the original state of us at the beginning again. Unfortunately not all will succeed. That is the only truth...

When you die you will see that there is only God and yourselves are the only truths. Rest is illision. This world is a dream. When you die you will awake either to light or to darkness. Awake before you die. That is resurrection.  That is spiritual birth.  To be completed after you die.

You don' t know when it is your last breath. The state of your hearth at your last breath is very important. İf it is troubled you will awake to nightmares/darkness which are your own creation.


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