
26 Eylül 2016 Pazartesi


God's judgement regarding gender condition is final. Those who are perverted such as transgender; gays, lesbiens, bisexual, intersex,  and as such perversions, even those who accept this incidents as normal, those who make friendships with them, marries to them, who confirms and legalize this perversion, and who blesses them, anyone who feels affinity with them are going to be annihilated by God and they shall not see the eternal life.

On the contrary they shall taste the spiritual death. The intercourse between men and women are only for breeding. That is the only purpose, so that human beings can continue to exist on Earth.

Transgendering of any kind and pervert relationships are all mental illnesses. They should be treated as the other mentally ill individuals.

A man and a woman promise to become one in font of God and become one flesh. 
That is called a family and the essential core of the healty community.

So called gays and lesbians are mentally ill and morally pervert people. 
Same as fornication. 
This should not be accepted as normal in communities. This kind of sickness will rot natural relationships in time. 

They should enter under a remedy treatment. 

Spirituality is the God's call, on the contrary religiousness is believing in dogmas without any inner intuatiotion. 
With dogmas you soul will be conquered by negative feelings such as rage, hatred and fear.Your soul will be full oflSpirituality is the God's call, on the contrary religiousness is believing in dogmas without any inner intuatiotion.  

When you believe blindly in dogmas, actually insulting your consciousness, you are being pulled down by the darkness. 

But, with intuition you will be filled with unconditional Divine Love for everybody and everything meaning that you have reached the unity. 

When you believe blindly in dogmas, actually insulting your consciousness, you are being pulled down by the darkness.

With dogmas you soul will be conquered by negative feelings such as rage, hatred and fear.

Those perversions are rebel against God.

But, with intuition you will be filled with unconditional Divine Love for everybody and everything meaning that you have reached the unity. 

Your soul will be full of love, peace and understanding.


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