
26 Eylül 2016 Pazartesi


What Is Spirituality?

Your conscious is spiritual.  The body is just a temporary overcoat of flesh; it can't be spiritual.  The part of you that is spiritual is that part that thinks, feels, and decides how to act.  It is the part of you that loves, feels compassion, and longs for peace and brotherhood.  That part of you is your conscious. When the body is no longer useful at death, it's cast off like a tattered overcoat you no longer need or want; but the conscious continues.

Spirituality Is What You Are, Not What You Do.

The physical realm is the world of beginnings and endings, creation and destruction. Matter and energy change forms as ceaselessly as the ocean’s surface rises and falls from frothy wave to wave.  Trees, mountains, buildings, and human bodies are all temporary.  They're just the scenery, and when a drama is finished, the scenery is torn down to make room for another set that can contain another play.  Only we, the players, are real and eternal—our consciouses are spiritual, and our consciouses are entirely separate from the brain and physical realm.

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