
3 Eylül 2018 Pazartesi


Yeshua will not come again as Yeshua Messiah. Why should he?!

Yeshua taught his followers to love all people, make peace, forgive, and serve others. He taught them that if they become pure hearted their inner voice would guide them into truth and brotherhood, and that they would be able to do wonderful things if they sought and understood the Holy Spirit.

Yeshua never suggested his followers to find God in a church. The church throughout the ensuing two millennia has been characterized by exclusivity, violence, condemnation, hatred, war, church hierarchies, and a focus on listening to the church, not to the Holy Spirit in each person. The other religions before and after Yeshua were all historical and exagerated versions of world evidences, and reflects only %10 of inner truth.

Something has gone terribly wrong.

We should be living in the Pax Messiahanism, the Age of Messiah, the Kingdom of God as Yeshua envisioned it. We've had two millennia to develop humankind's nature into Yeshua's model. Had it begun in the first century, we would be enjoying its perfection now. Then , maybe he would come for the second time as Yeshua Messiah. Now, he doesn't want to come even any nearer to this world full of people self-seeking, hypocritical, deceitful, violent, and separated from God, from others, from the inner voice of the Holy Spirit, and from nature.

If human beings had learnt his words and lived them through the centuries, we would be living in a society more loving, tolerant, and compassionate.

Now humankind has entered a spiritual dark ages and they are piteously waiting for him to come for the second time as Yeshua and rescue them.

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