
3 Eylül 2018 Pazartesi


When you are sure that you have discovered, or have had revealed to you, a Truth, let it sink deep into your soul, so that it will find such lodgment as will cause you to realize that this Truth is a Reality. A thing that must not be forgotten, or neglected, in its application to your daily Life on Earth.

When such Knowledge becomes yours, then you have solved the problem of what is True, and what is not. When you have solved this, you will become a human, who, when they utter their Knowledge of Truth, will speak as one having authority.

Such was the process by which Yeshua became the possessor, and Authentic Expositor of the Great Spiritual Truths that had never before been known, and declared, by any human.

Of course, these various steps, which lead to this great Knowledge of Truth, must be taken gradually and with increased confidence. In all this, the Help and Influence of the Father are necessary. Such Help and Influence comes only in response to sincere, soul aspiring prayer (for the Divine Love).

Prayer must arise from the soul of human. The response must come from God. There is no other means by which this Knowledge can be obtained. All Knowledge of Things Spiritual, that humans may think they possess, coming in any other way, cannot be relied on. There is only One Source of such Knowledge (God), out of which the Real Spiritual Truths of God emanate.

Divine Love is the Great Principle that enters into all Knowledge of Things Spiritual. Without Divine Love, it is utterly impossible for human to rightfully conceive the Divine Truths of God and possess them.

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