
23 Kasım 2021 Salı


Information is not wisdom, those who are full of information shall miss the truth longest.  

Slavishly believing in dogmas, insulting the consciousness of all men, and has been pulled down by the darkness. With dogmas souls will be conquered by negative feelings such as rage, hatred, fear and jealousy. But with intuition men will be filled with unconditional Divine Love for everybody and everything meaning that you have reached the consciousness of unity. And your souls shall be full of love, peace and understanding.  

You shall know the truth and what you have learned will set you free from all mortal passions and fears. Without the truth, there can be no real morality, justice, equality, unity, success, freedom, love, joy, peace, spirituality or even survival. Only the truth can stop the wars and make the world the paradise it can be.  

The truth is simple. Not only educated, but the children can also understand it.  

. Love God with all your heart, wise and soul. This is spiritual love, love without seeing and hearing.  

. Love everybody as yourself. The love here is the Divine Love which means a general affection.  

. Cease doing malignant actions.  

. Respect the human lives and beasts. Do not kill.  

. Act to protect life, preserve life, make life more functional and/or improve the quality of life.  

. Make restitution to repair the damage done to others.  

If you shut the truth and the Life out, then you miss the mark. If you give priority to other things by giving more emphasis to desires rather than truth, it is the only way you can commit a sin. The unseen enemies of mankind are those who are preventing humans from learning and changing. Open minded, rational humans are needed. The rest, by means of morality, will come as they start to realize that they have to have respect for themselves and, above all, for life. Up till now the word of God has been destroyed by the traditions that has been handed down.  

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