
3 Aralık 2016 Cumartesi


Why does "mainstream" science continue to deny the historical and on-going existence of Extraterrestrial contact with human beings on Earth?

Because they are right.

Yeshua told me that the Giza Pyramids was built by extraterrestrial powers but since then the connection between us and the different planets were stop by God. It was a temporary permission but due to negative effects upon the world natives' devolopment ıt was ceased. And, ıt still is.

At present this connections are impossible as the blackholes have separeted the civilizations. Unless God opens a new way for metarialized civilizations to contact us again there is no possibility.



The Great Pyramid is the only survivor of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, and it is GIGANTIC. It covers an area of 13 acres and 30 Empire State Buildings could be built with the estimated 2,300,000 stones. It contains more stones than was used in all the churches, cathedrals, and monasteries built in England since 313 AD. A wall 6ft high and 1ft thick could be built from New York to Los Angeles using the amount of masonry contained in the Great Pyramid. Another remarkable feature is the fact that the limestone blocks in the building have barely settled in over 4,700 years. Until the construction of the Eiffel Tower in 1889, the Great Pyramid was the tallest structure in the world!!

To attribute the technologically advanced Great Pyramid to the Ancient Egyptians is like claiming that the Hottentots of Africa, or the aborigines of Australia, built the Empire State Building. The Ancient Egyptians could copy some of the work of the antediluvians . . . but they could not create.

The Great Pyramid, built around 4,700 BC, was designed to be watertight and withstand the great geological upheavals of the Great Flood.

Copies of all the books from the corrupt pre-Flood civilization were stored in the Secret Archives.

The Pyramid was the precursor of the Secret Archives of the Vatican . . . but above ground.

The position that the technologically advanced Great Pyramid predates the Flood is not new. A real Jewish historian named Josephus mentioned 2 "pillars" in the land of Egypt that were built by the antediluvians to preserve knowledge (Antiquities, Book 1, Ch. 2).

Before the Great Pyramid was stripped of its shining white limestone casing stones, water marks were visible half way up (240 ft).

The Pyramid survived a massive earthquake in 1303 with no interior damage but the limestones were loosened and later carted away to Cairo to build mosques.

Before the removal of the casing stones, many people were eyewitnesses to the veracity of the Great Flood. Here is a quote by a Persian scholar named Al-Biruni (973–1048)

People are of the opinion, that the traces of the water of the Deluge, and the effects of the waves are still visible on these two pyramids half-way up, above which the water did not rise. (Al-Biruni, The Chronology of Ancient Nations, p. 28).

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