
6 Aralık 2016 Salı


Rumi said, 'The bamboo flute, which appeals to you so much, mourns over its separation from its home, the original bamboo.' In Persia and in India, the reed flute is taken from the tree. So, it says, 'I am taken away from my source, my home and made into a piece instead of the whole which I was at first.' And this pain in its heart is the only thing that appeals to the heart of those who listen. It touches them and moves them to listen to its longing. There is a very beautiful truth in this.

When we inquire into the tragedy of life, the very first of all causes is this separation from freedom. This tragedy can be seen in all kinds of people. From rich to poor, from the most illiterate to the most educated, everyone has this grudge. Maybe one confesses it, while another does not, but the grudge is in everybody's mind just the same: that he has entered this objective world. For this entry seems to be the cause of all the tragedy of life, the tragedy that man's spirit cannot be satisfied in life, cannot have lasting happiness, as long as he stays in it.

You are functioning like a creature on the Earth, but you are greater than this by far. Your deeper nature is connected to where you have come from and to what you will return to beyond this life and world.

You are living in Separation from your Source, which exist beyond the physical reality entirely. You are living in a temporary reality. It is impermanent. It is changing. It is expanding. It is chaotic. It is governed by its own laws and dynamics.

You are a spiritual Being living in a physical reality. This accounts for your dual nature and the fundamental conflict and confusion that permeate your mind and activities. It is the result of Separation fundamentally.

You cannot yet be who you really are in this world and life without undergoing a great preparation, which the Lord of all the universes has provided for you in a new and revolutionary form, free of human intervention, manipulation and corruption.

Likewise, you cannot simply be a creature on the Earth, for this denies your deeper reality and your greater intelligence. Though many people have made this assumption, they cannot deny the fact that there is a greater power in their life and a greater dimension to their own personal reality.

To be a sentient being living in a physical universe means you must have a deeper conscience and a deeper reality, or you will be miserable at all counts—limited, overwhelmed, endangered, constantly facing problem solving and dilemmas, many of which you cannot resolve. Life becomes hellish despite its beautiful appearances and its simple pleasures.

This goes far beyond people’s notions of Heaven and Hell, far beyond ancient teachings constructed for primitive peoples, far beyond what humanity can understand intellectually at this point.

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