
3 Aralık 2016 Cumartesi


Anti-Semitism might be called anti-imperialism. At heart, it is opposition to the plan of the central bankers, based in the City of London, to "gradually absorb the wealth of the world" and establish a masked "world government" dictatorship.

This involves stupefying and degrading society through faux education, porn and violence; and bankrupting and brutalizing us through war, pandemics and domestic repression.

It involves destroying "all collective forces except our own" which means destroying all race, religion, (God), nation and family. They use social engineering like diversity, feminism, multiculturalism and homosexuality to accomplish these aims.

The bankers place cooperative Jews in positions of control. The stigma attached to anti-Semitism is a form of mind control used to immunize their agents and their agenda against criticism. The Holocaust is callously used for this purpose.

If we think of anti-Semitism in terms of opposition to the bankers' political and cultural policy rather than to a race, it can be justified. The key is to distinguish between Jews who advance the New World Order and those who do not.

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