
30 Aralık 2016 Cuma



God is the God of the entire universe—a God of countless races quite unlike you, a universe that represents practical, physical and spiritual evolution in every conceivable stage. That is what you will be facing in the future. And that is why you cannot be a primitive people with primitive ideas. You too must grow and expand because life is requiring this of you now.

Learn tolerance and moderation.
Learn humility and reverence.
Learn compassion and forgiveness.
Learn charity and service.
These are what keep humanity from falling into ruin and despair. This is what elevates you beyond the animals and the creatures in the field.

To be a sentient being living in a physical universe means you must have a deeper conscience and a deeper reality, or you will be miserable at all counts—limited, overwhelmed, endangered, constantly facing problem solving and dilemmas, many of which you cannot resolve. Life becomes hellish despite its beautiful appearances and its simple pleasures.

This goes far beyond people’s notions of Heaven and Hell, far beyond ancient teachings constructed for primitive peoples, far beyond what humanity can understand intellectually at this point.

Whichever way you cut it, you come to this one unavoidable conclusion: there is but One Consciousness of which your consciousness must be a part and "a part", as Charles Haanel said, "must be the same in kind and quality as the whole, the only difference being one of degree".

The nature of the Universal Mind is Omniscience (all knowing), Omnipotence (all powerful), Omnificence (all creative) and Omnipresence (always present). Know that this too is your nature. You have access to all knowledge, known and unknown; you have access to an infinite power for which nothing is impossible; you have access to the limitless creativity of the One Creator. All these attributes are present within you at all times in their potential form.

There is a single Consciousness, the Universal Mind, which pervades the entire Universe. It is all knowing, all powerful, all creative and always present everywhere at the same time. Your consciousness is part of it - it is It. All is One. You are connected to everything and every one. You are already connected what you want. To the degree that you truly comprehend and internalise this Truth, you will be able to become the master of your mind and the director of your life.

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