
1 Aralık 2016 Perşembe


An amazing transformation has begun to take place since you have trusted in Yeshua as your path. You are now beginning to live a new life, which isn’t a standard of performance nor a code of ethics, but a vital personal relationship with Yeshua.

When you run a race, it is your race to win or lose. Living for God is different. So, the power to live a dynamic true life also comes totally from God.

A computer has all the potential to do what it was created to do, but it has no power of its own.

Similarly, through your new identity in Yeshua, you have all the potential you need to live as a new creation in eternity with God. But, you must continually draw from the proper power source. This is God. Source of life and light.

If you live a lifefull of sins that means being dead in your sins. Think of it as having a disease that led to death. We can change this with the help of God's grace. Leaving sins for good and by turning our faces to light we can become a new.  God’s awesome plan is to change you to become more like Yeshua in your character. Yeshua’ Spirit living in you has begun this change, and he will continue his work throughout your life.

Is this something you desire for your life? To produce fruit in you and through you. These qualities of Yeshua’ character will grow in your life. 

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