
26 Şubat 2018 Pazartesi


The Universal Activity of Absolute Consciousness.

When Absolute Consciousness self-reflects, it creates a motion, a transition from uncreated state of Being to the created state of Becoming. When the inner Being shines, it manifests as outer becoming. They are the two faces of universal consciousness. The outer face of Becoming is the diversity and continuous change of the universe: the object, that is, the apparent material universe we perceive. There is no separate material universe out there, there is only a change in consciousness. Internality is the state of oneness with the subject, while externality is the state of separation from it.

Although we are saying that Absolute Consciousness creates motion, a movement from Being to Becoming, this is essentially an act of perception because the pure Being is inaccessible to conceptual representation. Knowing this, we can say that creative action or movement can be seen as a sequence in space and time. Within the Absolute there is non-successive action. Reality in the Absolute is experienced as a single, unchanged whole. In the Absolute there is not time. In the universe or movement of awareness from one perception to the next is the basis of our sense of time passing.

We perceive action of something that follows something else. But there is no thing that comes out of another thing, because this implies that they are two different, separate entities. In reality there is only consciousness that transforms from one consciousness into another. This marks the creation of a new experience and the destruction of the old. This ever changing consciousness that constitutes the universe is seen the manifestation of the universe, being the emanation of the unchanged Absolute Consciousness which remains one with its emanation, is a real event, and not just an apparent change in the essentially undivided nature of the Absolute.

The vibration of consciousness (=the universe) has three aspects by which all things come into being: will, knowledge and action.

A being has an incessant flow of consciousness through its will to Be. The outpouring of this will to exist expresses itself both as the active cause of individual beings and the passive assent to Being that is expressed through the individuality of all that partakes Being. The will is a form of consciousness associated with a specific goal which it reflects on as its objective. It will remain fixed on its goal. For it is important to to reflect upon his own nature and to gain direct insight that his will (and perception and action) are not independent from the universal pulsation of his own authentic nature. A being desires to know the expansion of consciousness as its goes through its transformation.

Knowledge, the second aspect, links perception together and accounts for their individual emergence within the field of awareness.

The third aspect is action. It is an act of awareness, free in every way. This freedom of action of Being cannot be grasped when our consciousness is in the sphere of objectivity (the material plane). When in the sphere of objectivity, the ignorant sees himself bound by the law of action and reaction (karma). Therefore we should ever be conscious of the recurrent activity of consciousness, thus we can catch a glimpse of our authentic identity and realize our inherent freedom.

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