
25 Şubat 2018 Pazar


“I came that all might have LIFE and that they might have it more abundantly.”

Yet the reality is that the vast majority of people on this planet do not have LIFE—they do not have life in a spiritual sense, although they are physically alive. Spiritual life means knowing and accepting what you are, namely an extension of the Creator’s being, a soldier of the God.

You can have spiritual life in only one way: Rising your consciousness. For this you must have pure hearts and clean hands so that you can be a pure soul.

The main effect of the ego is that it blinds you to reality; it gives you a completely distorted perception of life. Once you step into this mortal or separate self, you have stepped into the death consciousness, because in the here and now, you are what you think you are. And once you are in this state, you cannot get out of it by your own powers. The ego cannot take you beyond the blindness of the ego; you cannot escape the death consciousness through any means seen through the death consciousness.

So you do need something from outside the mental box of your separate self, which is the cause of the idea that you need a savior. Yet that savior is neither an external religion nor a spiritual being who pays for your sins or otherwise does the work for you. The real savior is the Messiah Consciousness.

Once you have descended into the death consciousness, you do need a reminder of what you are and the potential you have, and that is why Yeshua came and lived among us 2000 years ago. That is the way we can  become a Holy Spirit.

All people – Christians or not – receive this help through the spiritual love that Yeshua hold.   "Ask and you will be answered".

Yet on the physical level, we can receive it through another person who has a measure of Messiah Consciousness, and there are many such teachers in many spiritual traditions. Yet we can also receive it through books, websides or visual media.

So Yeshua invites us to partake of the bread of LIFE, namely the Messiah Consciousness. This will give us something that most people cannot even imagine, namely a frame of reference for evaluating what comes from the reality of Messiah and what comes from the illusory world of anti-christ. And when sufficient numbers of people become able to “rightly spread the word of truth,” you will see major changes in all aspects of life on this planet. For truly, when we raise our consciousness, we shall pull up the collective consciousness as well.

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