
15 Şubat 2018 Perşembe


Void, a space of dark nothingness in which a soul is accompanied only by the quality of their character.  The Void seems to be a temporary stop-over after death before the spirit is consigned to their corresponding afterlife dimension.

Rarely, some experience the Void as a healing space; a place of quiet contemplation where an exhausted soul can rest after a difficult and painful life.  On the other end of the spectrum, souls may experience the Void as an endless stretch of agony and torture.  The purpose of the Void seems to be a space that amplifies thought and emotion.  For spirits with unresolved negativity and a stubborn unwillingness to receive help, the Void forces spirits to confront and work through their anger and obsessive thoughts.  Spirits may see others in the Void, but their purpose there seems to illustrative rather than communicative.

In darkness one can see clearly even though there was no light. It isn't just blackness, rather an endless void, an absence of light.  Void of love, life, and light, Void of everything. For some, this region is approximately their wish come true. Here they are truly alone with themselves.

For some souls, this is a pain that is unbearable. In the absence of truth, love, gentleness, and kindness, some souls fill the Void with an irrational and unbelievable amount of pain and fear.

In the afterlife  nobody can escape the result of their deeds in the Void.

The “affluenza defense” doesn’t work in the afterlife either.

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