
25 Şubat 2018 Pazar


“God sent His son as a ransom to be sacrified so that with his blood our sins are washed.”

They claim this sadistic knowledge from the Bible and really believe in it. I reject to believe in such a cruel and sadistic god… What would you say to that my brother?

Yeshua said: “There are a lot of false words in bible. You are right. This is wrong. God is love. God is the God of all universe, not only the World’s. I didn’t come to World as ransom. I had come as the love of the Father but I was not welcomed and was tried to be killed. Even now 2/3 of the people on Earth are still wicked. They are enemies of God Who is Love and Light. The Source of every goodness and beauty. Uptill now I used to pray: My God they don’t know what they are doing. Forgive them…but now I don’t say ‘forgive them’ anymore. "

I asked to Yeshua in my lucid dream,

Christian belief is as such that those who believe in You and get babtised the Holy Spirit will be cast down upon them. Is it so?

Yeshua answered,

Holy Spirit is not cast down nor descend but  humans must rise up cognitively to become a Holy Spirit.

21st February, 2018

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