
27 Şubat 2018 Salı


Absolute manifests all things. The eternal pulsation of the Absolute, oscillates between a passion to create and dispassion from the created. Through it the Absolute transform itself into all things and then returns back into the emptiness of its undifferentiated nature.

The universe is nothing but the shining of the Light of Consciousness within itself. This is an important statement, as nothing exists outside of it. Consciousness becomes manifest in the radiant vibration of this Light. Although shining as all things, and creating diversity, there is no division within itself. A created object just has a form it assumes, and is not a separate entity.

This Light of Consciousness creates and freely imposes on himself countless limiting conditions through which he becomes manifest in limited forms. At the same time he abides unchanged as the supreme experiencer.

So this Light of Consciousness is the Eternal Now, the Present, what one calls God, or Lord. It illumines itself. It reflects on its own nature, thus creating the universe. Consciousness illumines itself in the course of making the universe manifest. While this is happening Consciousness remains the unchanging witness of all the events in the universe.

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