
13 Mayıs 2018 Pazar


Think of a limitless cylinder of light turning around itself and from time to time light atomies merging into that light and some other coming out of this light cylinder.

This is how it looks like here regarding the Holy Spirit. Those light pieces in an out are the human souls who have becomed the holy spirits. Some other pieces merges in but never comes out.

That is a sort of cycle. Those humans who live on earth a kind life but not awakened while living, do merge in this light cylinder but lost their identity and never come out. They no longer have an individial awareness. But, those who live a kind life on earth and awakened also while living are the ones who do not loose their self awareness and consequently their indivuality. They go in and when they are given duties by the God Almighty come out in order to perform their God given duties.

The souls of the wicked will be left in their graves unawakened with their wordly lusts, obsessions, idee fixes and nightmares for divine justice and eventualy they will fade away and be annihilated.

Yeshua 12th of May, 2018

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