
18 Mayıs 2018 Cuma


It is time to outgrow creation stories and the end of the world ideas, for reality exists so far beyond these things. It is time now to look to the heavens, to contemplate the great expanse of the universe and to reconsider your fundamental beliefs and ideas, if they have been formulated at all.

Human spirituality has been limited to this world and to local regions within this world, and to the history of those regions and those races and those peoples. But Greater Community Spirituality is a spirituality of the entire universe. God is the God of the entire universe—a God of countless races quite unlike you, a universe that represents practical, physical and spiritual evolution in every conceivable stage. That is what you will be facing in the future. And that is why you cannot be a primitive people with primitive ideas. You too must grow and expand because life is requiring this of you now.

You may pray to God. You may fall down on your knees and prostrate yourself in the temple or the mosque or the church. But until you begin to carry out God’s Work that is meant for you to carry out, you will not understand the real nature of your spiritual reality.

The Creator of all life loves the human spirit and all the peoples in the world, whether they have a religion or not, whether they are wise or foolish, whether they are sinful or virtuous. It just changes the amount of work that must be done to redeem them, in time. But to God, time is nothing. To you, time is everything, as it should be, as it is.

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