
31 Temmuz 2018 Salı


Consequences of Impurity.

"Impurity of any variety gives an experience of sorrow or peacelessness. If at any time there is a wave of sorrow or peacelessness, its seed is impurity. Whether it is due to one of the main vices (anger, greed, lust, ego, attachment) or due to the subtle forms of the vices."

Hence, we can see that purity acts as a canopy of protection that saves one from the innumerable suffering and obstacles of the vices. 

Body consciousness easily attracts the vices, which include lust and ego - the direct opposite of the soul's original quality of purity. Simple clothes that do not pull the mind and the senses to body consciousness and to impure visions and impure thoughts are the safeguards of purity.

There are "many attitudes that interfere with our being able to maintain pure feelings and respect for ourselves and others. We label others and ourselves with the degrading titles of black or fat, or white or skinny. We fulfill our inner emptiness with feelings of attraction or repulsion, hatred or infatuation, compulsion or dislike... As the consciousness becomes less and less pure, others become just the means to fulfill our own desires, and we become totally self-centered. By contrast, in the state of self-respect (the awareness of being a soul having all attainments) there is a growing and natural regard for others, and the innate purity of the self is revealed.

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