
11 Temmuz 2018 Çarşamba


The outward symptoms of this disease include a predilection to authoritarian thinking. One who suffers from clericalism develops an expectation that rank and file believers should offer them reverence, deference and respect in all things.
Elitist trappings of power are important to those afflicted with clericalism, including first class air travel, residences in mansions (typically contributed by wealthy followers), offices made up of young and submissive staff members (often clerics as well), and legions of attorneys and public relations professionals, as well as hefty bank accounts that receive no audits or independent review.
This disease manifests itself in most "clericalists" in the form of an all-consuming addiction. It is an addiction to institutional power. Institutional power is like no other drug for clericalists; church and other religion's leaders are all slave to it.

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