
6 Temmuz 2018 Cuma



We, human beings are here to become the part of Holy Spirit. Not filled with Holy Spirit but, to become Holy Spirit. This is Spiritual Birth. This is Second Birth. This is the acceptance to eternal life with God. In this process the numbers are not important for God. Qualities of the souls are what matters.

Human beings were created as human being. So, although we humans reincarnate from time to time which are for examination on Earth, have not becomen plants and/or animals before we became human beings. Our bodies were created in today's shape. We were created as human beings.

Biologically, also no evolution from some sort of animals or human-like creatures. Those human-like creatures were not humans. Only us, we were given the potential to know right from wrong.

Don't you believe that God can create human beings at once!? Is He not powerful enough?
Certainly He is the Almighty.

Omnipotent and Omnipresent. He is the One God.

He is One and He is Eternal.



God doesn't like doubt.

Grow closer to God and your faith in God must be rock solid. GOD doesn't like doubt. Leave dogmas, don't take them as a corner stone for your faith. Forget the man made religious tales of ancient times. Rise your conscious. Go to nature often. You need it because you are created from nature.

Incorporate silence and solitude into your life regularly. Choose a regular time and place to get away from life as usual and spend at least 10 minutes in silence and solitude as often as you can. Ask God to help you express your need for Him through a simple prayer, and choose a physical position that will enable you to stay alert yet worshipful.


Praying isn't necessarly done by words. In fact praying is focusing on God. To be able to focus on God one has to stop his thoughts. Words are for the concentration purpose. God know our deepest desires but focusing on God is the main issue. Not thinking anything else at that time. Focusing on God is what matters.

Wait in patience. God's power is about to come. We are waiting here as well.



God's nature is that of incredible loving-kindness toward all people. And He will kindly help His followers cultivate the much-needed fruit of godly kindness.
Be thankful and don't be blind to the sin of ingratitude. Be kind to all..

Kindness should begin with our kin. Ironically and tragically, many people display their most unkind behavior with the ones they should love the most. God is not unaware of this hypocrisy.

And Yeshua emphasized that we must be kind to everyone, not just our family and friends. If we do this, it is said:  “Your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil”.
The world makes no sense.

The insanity all around us can only make sense to the insane, who have shaped the world into what it is today.

National and global turmoil, psychopathology, and spiritual darkness are negative energies that people battle with. Every day, people are pressed upon by negative energy–whether they know it or not.

What can be done about it? How can you overcome?

Yeshua said us that the path to liberation from suffering is Truth. What many do not realize is that dogma is not the same as Truth. Dogma will let you down at some point in your life. Because of  dogmas people has started to choose denying God instead of denying dogmas. And, there is nothing left to hold on for kindness.


Do not put any other loves in between your love for God and yourselves. Love God first and before everything and everybody.

Never deny God, Almighty. Do not even argue about His oneness and divineness. He is the Source of light. He is Love. He is in and out of everything seen and unseen. Our bodies are to be the temple of The Holy Spirit. Our souls are to be the part of His Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is the active force of God. All the praises and all the glory are belong to Him, to our God, to our Love. His will be done forever.

I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, that which is, that which was, and that which is to come. Revelations 1:8 - 'That quote describes "eternity", not an old man in the sky, or a god that looks like human.'

You are destroying the word of God through your traditions that you have handed down. Mark 7:13

The unseen enemies of mankind are those who are preventing humans from learning and changing. Open minded, rational humans are needed. The rest, by means of morality, will come as they start to realize that they have to have respect for themselves and, above all, for life.

If you shut the truth and the Life(God) out then you miss the mark. If you give prioity to other things by giving more emphasis to desires rather than truth, it is the only way you can commit a sin.

God is the spring of kindness, goodness and cleanness. From this clean spring, is it possible to drink dirty water? One can drink only clean water. But, if the mouths of the drinkers are dirty than the water gets dirty as well in their mouths. As such only goodness can be prayed from God. Badness cannot be prayed from Him. Badness for somebody else or curse cannot be wished from that pure Spring. Those who do this vile wishes are punished by God.

Remember; "Pray for your enemies as well".


The blasphemy against the Holy Spirit...

The unforgivable, or unpardonable, sin is any sin that a person doesn’t want to give up, confess, or even ask forgiveness for and additionally doesn’t want to hear any more about it from the Holy Spirit.

Any sin mankind wants pardon for is forgivable, however, if we turn our backs on the voice of the Holy Spirit we begin to silence His convictions and eventually we cannot hear His convicting power. This effectively blocks the working of God in our lives because we have reached a point where we cannot respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. At this stage a person can no longer ask for repentance and therefore cannot be saved.



If they say to you: “From where have you originated?” Say to them, “We have come from the Light, where the Light has originated through itself. It (stood) and it revealed itself in their image.” If they say to you, “Who are you?”, say: “we are His sons and we are the elect of the Living Father.” If they ask you: “What is the sign of your Father in you?”, say to them: “It is a movement and a rest.” This last statement most likely refers to the energetic dynamism of the Holy Spirit and also the Divine stillness, the “peace that passes all understanding.”

Have you ever thought about how much money is spent just creating images? In the media, the newspapers, the movies, on radio and television, images are spread all the time. Where do these images come from? Why are they there? Who designs them?

Images are a means of exerting power over people. Images can make people subservient and disconnected from their true needs, without the use of physical force or violence. Images can make people voluntarily give away their own power and self-worth. They delude you in such a way that you need not be violently forced into anything; you will accept the values portrayed by the image as your own and act accordingly. This is what we would call invisible mind-control and it is rampant among your ‘free' western societies.

The function of Light is primarily to bring clarity, awareness and transparency to the invisible structures of thought and feeling that shape your life. Light is the opposite of mind-control. Where Light enters a reality, it breaks the bonds of mere power and authority and it breaks down the hierarchies based on it. It holds misuse of power up to the light and it frees people of delusions and illusions that take away their power for self-determination.

Pistis Sophia combines the ideas of reincarnation and divine union in a passage that begins with the question:  What happens to "a man who has committed no sin, but done good persistently, but has not found the mysteries?"  The Pistis Sophia tells us that the soul of the good man who has not found the mysteries will receive "a cup filled with thoughts and wisdom."   This will allow the soul to remember its divine origin and so to pursue the "mysteries of the Light" until it finds them and is able to "inherit the Light forever."  To "inherit the Light forever" is a Gnostic code for union with God.

But the time cometh when darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people, and the enemies of truth and righteousness shall rule in my name, and set up a kingdom of this world and oppress the peoples. . . . putting for my doctrines the opinions of men, and teaching in my name that which I have not taught and darkening much that I have taught by their traditions.

But be of good cheer, for the time will also come when the truth they have hidden shall be manifested and the light shall shine, and the darkness shall pass away and the true kingdom shall be established which shall be in the world but not of it, and the word of righteousness and love shall go forth from the Center.

There shall arise after you, men of perverse minds who shall through ignorance or through craft, suppress many things which I have spoken unto you, and lay to me things which I never taught. . . . Woe is the time when the spirit of the world entereth into the believers, and my doctrines and precepts are made void through the corruptions of men and women.  But the time cometh when the things which they have hidden shall be revealed and made known, and the truth shall make free those which were bound.

They shall make alliance with the kings and rulers of the world and seek earthly power, and riches, and domination, and put to death by fire and sword those who seek the truth, and therefore are truly my disciples. And in their days, I, Yeshua, shall be crucified afresh and put to open shame, for they will profess to do these things in my name. As I shall be nailed to the cross, so also shall my believers in those days, for she is my Bride and one with me. But the day shall come when this darkness shall pass away, and the true light shall shine, and my believers shall be filled with Light and give Light unto all nations of the earth.
“Humanity is not the centerpiece of the Creation, only one of its developing aspects. This represents a tremendous breakthrough in understanding. This represents a great threshold in self-realization and the ability to effectively engage with the world.”


I am holding the key of love,  my brother. You know that God is love. So, how can they enter the Kingdom of God before reaching to full love in their hearts. That's why I have said that I was the path. I represent the love God created. I am illuminating that path that's why I have said that I was the light. And that path leads all to the Kingdom. To The Eternal Life. So, that's why I have said I was the life. That's why I have said that I came to World so that you could have life in abundance.

I hope most of you will awake before death and be taken.

Do not be a warrior. Drop your shields. Leave your passion. Leave all your addictions, fear, nerviousness. Let love be your path and light be your comrade on this path. Fill your heart with love for God and do not allow anything to violate this love. Do not put anything before your love for God. Keep calm. Do not allow nerviousness control your mind and do not let fear and infidelity fill in your heart.

Turn your face to light and let the light illimunate your face. You are neither your emotions nor your mind. You are a being above them. Be aware of your reactions. Watch them as a third person and criticize. Put them down when they are short tempered. When your mind become like a clear water reflecting all who looks at you and your emotions positive, full of love then you are eligible for becoming a part of the Holy Spirit.


The truth requires a much deeper understanding. Spirituality requires that you ask questions of yourself, whilst religions requires you to rely on books to move forward. And, by doing so millions of soul's minds have been locked down. Religions has become the slave owners mental back doors. Organized religions all over the world has become politics.



When you are in a situation where you feel your insides churning, become aware of your reaction to that situation. By observing what is happening in this way, you are in control. You have the power to calm the negative reaction welling up inside you.

Reaction awareness allows you to replace a churning reaction with a calming one. You’ll actually lessen the severity of any negativity that arises.

Use breathing exercises. The most basic is to inhale, then exhale, using the nose, both to the count of four. Yoga enthusiasts will know various breathing exercises they can use. Or consult a practitioner for the ones that will give you most benefit. Sit quietly. We are conditioned to thinking we must be doing something every moment of every day. If we’re not sending a text message, we’re “tweeting” or “liking” someone. Just sit and quietly read, practice mindfulness, or enjoy a short time of shut-eye.

Walk or jog outdoors. Choose a place with trees, grass, or flowers, because they send a calming message to the brain.

Have “me” time. You are important so treat yourself as important. Do something you love doing but rarely have (or make) time to do.

Recognize the triggers. Know particular situations in advance when you’re sure you’ll flare up or need calming. Two of mine are feeling very cold, or feeling thirsty/hungry. Know the triggers that create agitation for you, so you can be better prepared.


The Habits of Calmness.

These are the habits to develop that will help you develop calmness.
A calm morning ritual. Many people rush through their mornings, starting the day out in a stressful rush. I wake up a little earlier and start with a breath prayer. Exercise is another component.

Learn to watch your response. When something stressful happens, what is your response? Some people jump into action — though if the stressful situation is another person, sometimes action can be harmful. Others get angry, or overwhelmed. Still others start to feel sorry for themselves, and wish things were different. Why can’t other people behave better? Watch this response — it’s an important habit.

Don’t take things personally. Many times the response is to take things personally. If someone does something we don’t like, often we tend to interpret this as a personal affront. Our kids don’t clean their rooms? They are defying us! Our spouse doesn’t show affection today? He/she must not care as much as he/she should! Someone acts rudely at work? How could they treat us this way?! Some people even think the universe is personally against them. But the truth is, it’s not personal — it’s the other person’s issue that they’re dealing with. They are doing the best they can. You can learn not to interpret events as a personal affront, and instead see it as some non-personal external event (like a leaf falling, a bird flying by) that you can either respond to without a stressful mindset, or not need to respond to at all.

Be grateful. Sure, lots of people talk about gratitude … but how often do we apply it to the events of our day? Things are crashing down at work, or our boss is angry, or our co-workers are rude, or our kids are misbehaving, or someone doesn’t love us as we’d like … do these cause anger/anxiety/unhappiness, or can we be grateful? Drop the complaints, and find a way to be grateful, no matter what. And then smile. This unbending habit can change your life.

Create stress coping habits. Many times, when we are faced with stress, we have unhealthy responses — anger, feeling overwhelmed and withdrawing, eating junk food, drinking alcohol or taking drugs, shopping or otherwise buying stuff, going to time-wasting sites, procrastinating, and so on. Instead, we need healthy ways to cope with stress, which will come inevitably. When you notice stress, watch how you cope with it, and then replace any unhealthy coping habits with healthier ones. Healthy stress coping habits include: drinking tea, exercise, yoga, meditation, massaging your own neck & shoulders, taking a walk, drinking some water, talking with someone you care about.

Single-task. I’ve written numerous times in the past about single-tasking vs. multitasking, but I think people multitask now more than ever. People text while on the train, while walking, while driving. They tweet and post to Facebook and Instagram, they email and read blogs and news, they watch videos while getting things done, they watch TV while eating, they plan their day while doing chores. This is a great way to cause a level of anxiety that runs through everything you do, because you’re always worried you should be doing more, doing something else. What if, instead, you just did one thing, and learned to trust that you shouldn’t be doing anything else? It takes practice: just eat. Just wash your bowl. Just walk. Just talk to someone. Just read one article or book, without switching. Just write. Just do your email, one at a time, until your inbox is empty. You’ll learn that there is peace in just doing one thing, and letting go of everything else.

Reduce noise. Our lives are filled with all kinds of noise — visual clutter, notifications, social media, news, all the things we need to read. And truthfully, none of it is necessary. Reduce all these things and more, and create some space, some quiet, in your life.


The hour comes and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeks such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. (John 4: 23-4)
When you stand praying, forgive… if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your trespasses. (Mark 11: 25-6)

“And he spoke a parable unto them to this end: that everyone ought to pray always, and not be lax.” (Luke 18: 1)

Watch and pray always. (Luke 22: 36) [These two passages point to the ability to always be in a prayerful or meditative state of Divine Presence.]

The "little virtues" of  patience, humility, gentleness, simplicity, honesty, and hospitality are powerful means for growing holy. All prayer and meditation must lead to action.The motivation with which you perform some action may be far more important and powerful than the action itself.

Freedom is one of the most precious and powerful gifts that God gives you.
You are to use that freedom to grow in conformity to God's will.
Intellectual  learning, prayerful reflection, social interaction, work, play and all things creative should be valued as graced by God  and viewed as means for growing into a fully human person.

What it means to be holy?

This is what it means to be holy. It means deserving by our faithfull attitudes being set apart for God’s exclusive use.

“People are impatient, they want a judgment day, they want everything to be finished, they don’t want to have to live with great questions, great unresolved questions. They want God to punish others that they themselves cannot or will not punish. They think they know what justice is. And that is why the old God is filled with revenge and anger and repudiation, that people are forced to believe with the threat of death and Hell.”


Yeshua said: "I ought to have been represented with a heart sign but, certainly not with the sign of torture device, namely the cross." "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!' (Matthew 7:21-27).
Yeshua was not an essene. He was not together with them. Essenes did not help Yeshua but they were not against Him either. Yeshua was a specially sellected soul by God, to teach us love by living among us. He was already a spiritually resurrected Holy Spirit before coming to earth for us.  He was born in a very special body for messianic purpose. Because He borned from the woman He was called the son of man, but His DNA s was not of this world. That is why His body was taken from this world. Also there will be no second bodily messianic coming. He is already together with those who believe in him and near to everybody who will turn his face to light. He also comes and goes to earth for healing spiritually.

Lets absorb Yeshua's words and internalize His life. He is our candle, our guide and beloved brother.

At the very beginning of the public life of Jesus, it's recorded this way in Mark's Gospel: Jesus begins his public preaching by proclaiming, "The reign of God is at hand. Change your lives." The reign of God is at hand. Reign to bring forth, come into our human history, transform our world into as close an image of that reign of God as possible. It's here; it's ready to break forth.

To become a part of the Holy Spirit...There is only one way for that holy target.

The way Yeshua lived and showed us. The broadest and straightest way. There is no other alternative. This is the most illuminated and the shortest way. The direct way. This is the only way. It is LOVE. Alas, the humans did not take in their hearts the true words of Yeshua. These words mainly, love and righteousness were not welcomed by the majority of the World. They did not want to be enlightened because they did not want their evil works to be known. And, by doing so, they sealed their consciouses off the light.

So we must unite under Yeshua's holy guidance and walk together with him. We must fully understand and live like him. Not like the so called neo-pagan christians but Yeshua himself.

The disciples said to Yeshua, “Tell us how our end will be.” Yeshua said, “Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will stand at the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death. Blessed is he who was before he came into being.”
This is one of the most important set of sayings in the Thomas Gospel, pointing to our original, birthless, deathless, formless nature as Pure Spirit, and suggesting a profoundly intuitive spirituality. This makes more intelligible other sayings from Jesus, such as "God is Spirit and must be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth." (John 4:24)
I do not argue about religions. As far as I have seen Yeshua never talks about evil things and evil people. He kept saying from time to time upon my questions "let's not talk about badness"  brother.  So when I see some statement of believers who claims that Yeshua has talked about evil things cursing, hating or anger it doesn't sounds right to me. He cannot be Yeshua. He is love and Light.



All who overcome, and fulfill the Law within themselves, will become the Messiah/Christ -- which Hebrew and Greek words in English means The Anointed Of God.

And it is this Power of the Anointing that opens the mind to see beyond the cloak of the "outer darkness"  and to the degree that the Anointing can be received, begin the process of being taught by the indwelling Logos/Son of God.

Just as important is the fact that the true meaning of the word Gnostic would have to be understood as that directly imparted Spiritual Knowledge that is the result of overcoming the Laws, and becoming the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) as Yeshua taught.  

For those Anointed souls in the Kingdom of God, there is no judgment and condemnation. There is only universal peace, brotherhood, and unconditional love. We enter the Kingdom of God by maturing spiritually so we are peaceful, brotherly, and loving. To mature spiritually, we must leave behind the desire and expectation for punishment, revenge, rewards for the worthy, and retribution for the unworthy.

It is inconceivable that God retains one of the primary fleshly characteristics that humankind must learn to abandon. Can we imagine the ruler of a country today requiring all citizens to swear allegiance to him and worship him, then committing to a pit of unspeakable horror all those men, women, and children who don't swear allegiance, without opportunity for reprieve, where they are tortured unmercifully with fire and guards that bite their bodies, every day, all day, for the rest of their lives? Of course not. That ruler would be a monster more evil than Idi Amin, Stalin, or Hitler. And yet the religions would have us believe the God Yeshua described is that monster.
Judgment, condemnation, and retribution are spiritually immature attitudes characteristic of a tribal people that wages war with its neighbors, executes people for trivial indiscretions, and cheers when those with whom they disagree are defeated and punished. The religions assigned that immature attitude to the God it created, whom they portray as a ruthless dictator that rules through fear and intimidation, when it should have been helping people mature out of the need to judge and condemn. The sentiments are simply incompatible with spiritual maturity, Yeshua's teachings, and God. And what person who has merited heaven because of their love and compassion would want to spend every day in eternity knowing a parent, son, daughter, brother, or sister was writhing in pain in a fiery torture chamber and could never be redeemed? What kind of heaven would that be for them to be imagining their loved one's agony every morning when they awoke, and in the silence of every evening when they lay waiting for sleep to give them some relief? It is inconceivable that the God Yeshua described would condemn a parent, son, daughter, brother, or sister to that mental anguish for eternity.
And what sort of universe would it be for those who took to heart Yeshua's teachings and had become loving and compassionate to know that billions of people were in unspeakable agony while they were in heavenly luxury? The universe would, for eternity, contain pain, suffering, and misery, regardless of how mature a heavenly segment was becoming.

And those who were in the torment could never grow to become more compassionate, learning to love others and God. They would have no opportunity for reprieve, even if they changed in outlook and attitude. In fact, the hell thing would perpetuate anger and hatred in the universe as billions of souls cursed God and humanity. It's simply unthinkable for such a concept to be attributed to any God other than that fabricated by a church that itself encouraged the torture and murder of those who disagreed with its teachings.

In the Kingdom of God as Yeshua described it, no person will be judged; none will be unworthy; none will be unloved; none will be unacceptable. Probably the most difficult lesson we will have to learn, and the most persistent worldly characteristic we will have to abandon, is the desire for rewards given to us, who are right, and punishment and retribution inflicted upon them, who are wrong. The suggestion that God would judge humanity, committing the vast majority to eternal torment, is perfectly in character with the medieval church, but diametrically opposite to Yeshua's teaching about the Kingdom of God.

The hell myth is a fiction developed by the church to increase its power and keep the flock under control. It simply never existed.


Souls created first and they were perfect as God is perfect and creates only the perfect. There was no meterial worlds then, only perfect souls. The souls had been given freedom to chose so that they act together with God's order with their own free will. Instead some souls created ego and seperated themselves. They committed crimes. Murder, sexual perversions, theft... and had to be erased and were erased after being thoroughly punished. Their remaining root energies became the metarial for universes. Those who unite with God became partaker of Holy Spirit. The ones with light perversions are given the chance to prove themselves in material worlds to be able to unite with God. Not every soul becomes the partaker of the Holy Spirit but lives under duty. The great kings which has given orders for wars and killings for the sake of defending their country do not become a partaker but lives as a soul under duty.


What Is Spirituality?

Your conscious is spiritual.  The body is just a temporary overcoat of flesh; it can't be spiritual.  The part of you that is spiritual is that part that thinks, feels, and decides how to act.  It is the part of you that loves, feels compassion, and longs for peace and brotherhood.  That part of you is your conscious. When the body is no longer useful at death, it's cast off like a tattered overcoat you no longer need or want; but the conscious continues.

Spirituality Is What You Are, Not What You Do.

The physical realm is the world of beginnings and endings, creation and destruction. Matter and energy change forms as ceaselessly as the ocean’s surface rises and falls from frothy wave to wave.  Trees, mountains, buildings, and human bodies are all temporary.  They're just the scenery, and when a drama is finished, the scenery is torn down to make room for another set that can contain another play.  Only we, the players, are real and eternal—our consciouses are spiritual, and our consciouses are entirely separate from the brain and physical realm.


The Whole Truth is revealed throughout one’s whole journey and throughout the whole of time. The Whole Truth is revealed in your relationship with the Divine and in your relationship with the whole manifestation of the Divine. The Whole Truth is experienced and learned in your explorations with the Whole.
Desiring to understand everything at once is one of the greatest mistakes that human beings make; believing that one can conceive of the inconceivable (immediately). You continue to think that you can understand the inconceivable Whole Truth in a moment, in a word, in a concept that is in and of itself—and of its own nature—limited by nature.

The Conflict of The Ignorant.

The only real conflict between science and religion is seen in the fact that the multitude of scientists fail to comprehend the true depth of science, and the vast majority of religious people in the world fail to comprehend the true depth of their own religion.   And for purely political reasons, this prevailing junk-science is taught to our children in schools, while spiritually disenfranchised dogma is preached to the people in the churches.   Enlightened people are the few who know that once the depth of both science and religion is revealed to the mind, that all Creation becomes One Unified Thought and Expression.
As for the truth, there is only one. The God. Source of Light and Love. When souls were created they were seeing and talking with the Source Almighty. However due to the free will which had been given to souls, they devoloped ego and made the one into two. Seperation had began. All we are struggling to achive now is to return to oneness, the original state of us at the beginning again. Unfortunately not all will succeed. That is the only truth...

When you die you will see that there is only God and yourselves are the only truths. Rest is illision. This world is a dream. When you die you will awake either to light or to darkness. Awake before you die. That is resurrection.  That is spiritual birth.  To be completed after you die.

You don' t know when it is your last breath. The state of your hearth at your last breath is very important. İf it is troubled you will awake to nightmares/darkness which are your own creation.



The souls who are awakened while still  biologically living on Earth and has reached the state of emiting God's pure energy also pulls the negative energies of unawakends and turns it into pure energy and send it back to God. Had they not been doing this energy healing, the World would have turned upside down long ago. That is what Yeshua did on a global measure once.

All of the life energy which has intellect derivates from God. God gave us everything but, alas, fewer of us believes in Him in Spirit. Most of us believes in a mighty merchant king. İf pleased, gives every sort of lust fullfilling toys othervise burns forever.

Most of us believes in a false god in allignment with their egos for richness, virgins, wealth of no boundries, flesh and gold. All sort of wordly lusts. They are unable to perceive Spirit. The peace when filled up with that Spirit.

Eternal life and Holy Spirit does not mean anything to them. They worship gold, flesh and power giver not the Spirit.
If your children had loved you just for the money you gave them, how would you feel?  Aren't we the children of God?  How He feels?
Let's think.


What does surrender to God means?
It means not to worry, not to ask why or how, to trust compeletely, to be patient and be able to wait untill buds are open in their due time, to be in peace with self and all the creation. Never judge but take all the precautions beforehand.
That's why one must surrender only to the God, Almighty. Never to any human being.


Don't ask "Who you are?" This reminds you of your Earthly identities so it is a question of egoistic instincts.  Instead, ask "What you are?" which is a spiritual question and reminds you of God's Divine Power. That you are the part of. There is no identity at Heaven. There is no 'I' or 'you' but only Holy God's Divine Power. That is what you are to gain while on Earth. That is your Earthly struggle's target. Know that fact very well and be born again into eternal freedom in God's Power.



 ''I have come from peace, I am in peace, I will go back to peace. Peace is my origin and my goal.'' To be in peace is to be in God's presence directly . To return to that peace is to return to God. That is our goal on Earth.


. Human beings were created as human beings of today. However their usage of their brain capacity has grown in time. The so called types as neonthandel, cro-magnon and others were not human. They had no wisdom. No awareness like us.
. It is wrong to believe that we were once plants and animals eventually became human beings.
. There is no such thing as Karma. Souls reborn as new and fresh without any subconscious.
. Reincarnation counts are not limitless. We, eventually either born from the Spirit which is eternal life in God or die eternally.
. There are still some souls who have not obtained a chance to incarnate on earth due to their lack of endaviours or wrong doings.
. Animals never become human beings.
. Those who die or killed of sudden acts out of their fate plans, reborn immediately and can remember some of their previous life memories between the ages of four to eleven. After the age of eleven the past life memories are completely forgotten.



The last seven minutes before dying biologically you shall be completely free to travel to everywhere and to all times in the past with your conscious. This includes the ancient times.

Along with the new generations coming, the old are replaced and, with this replacement, will come the new perceptions. As the new generations replace the old generations, believes will also be replaced. In fact new generations will be cleverer but more mechanical.  More energetic, more perceptive, but more egoistic as well. Religions will be left and people will believe in a sort of Source but will be living more mechanical, more isolated lives. They shall get lonely.

Finally, I advice you to focus on God and His Light only at this last minutes. Accept death and do not pay attention to earthly affairs or remains any more.  In the very last minute, you will be shown the place, you are going after death.


Death is not the end of life.
Your body will dissolve away, but the essence of you cannot cease to be.
Earth life is a dream from which you wake, and when the time comes, you will look back at your body and know you are not your body, but that dreamtime being which shaped and used it.
Think of a jacket that you make for yourself and wear every day, in spite of its flaws. Some day, you will lay that jacket aside.
You are that essence which made your body and is changed by the experiences of your body.
So, when it’s time to move on, there’s an attachment to be dissolved.
And in the afterlife, as well as on Earth, attachment keeps you poor, while releasing attachment enriches you.


Any time you feel lonely, unhappy, hopeless, depressed, unloved, unsafe, victimized by life, insecure, unworthy, worthless, a failure, ugly, unlovable, ostracized, and in any other way unhappy, you are making yourself feel those feelings—they are entirely within your own mind and the reality you’re creating. But you learned the assumptions and perspectives that result in those feelings from the material world. You didn’t have them as an infant, and you don’t need to have them now. But every time you feel these desperate feelings, it is because of something you’re believing about yourself and reality that is entirely untrue. It is a fear created by the material realm, but it is a lie.

Learn to listen to your spiritual self and you will learn that these things are lies. One by one, you can eliminate them from your life.

Being unhappy is a rebell against God.
God loves us, and in return He wants us to smile, to love and to transcend.
The moment we offer Him a soulful smile, God is pleased with us.
The moment we offer Him an iota of our love, God is pleased with us.
The moment we want to transcend our earth-bound consciousness, God is pleased with us.


"Believing in God is something but, more important than this is that having God believing in us." Yeshua.
The spiritual ills--the moral collapse--of mankind are self-inflicted. Anyone can leave the cocoon of self-indenture, deep in spiritual imperfection, and become a new being--reborn. This rebirth is for anyone who seeks it, anytime, anywhere. Heart felt prayer is the only prerequisite.

Nothing can come between a spiritually aspiring soul and its Maker. Only the aspirant himself can put aside the Gift of Love once it is prayed for and is being received, if he fails to use it as often as he can in all that he does. Only he can fail to translate hope into spiritual faith and trust. Yes, if he fails in these, his failures will indeed come between his God and himself, at least to some degree.

Those who move forward spiritually on earth--fortified with the Father's Divine Love growing in their souls--who make relevant progress--will have put out the necessary calls for God's Help. They will have made continuing efforts in sincere and loving prayers of need and affirmation, then stood by to receive the rewards that ensued.

The Bible statement, "Fear not, little flock, for it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom," (Luke 12:32)

. Believe firmly in God's existence.
. Trust this loving God.
. Through prayer, continue to cultivate a deeper need to know Him better--to have a living soul-relationship with Him.
. Pray ardently to receive His Holy Gift of Divine Love.

God is limitless at every aspect. He warns directly and when He gives judgement it is irrevocable.
Everybody must be free to declare his or her opinions regarding politicians, religions, administrations, lifestyles and everything and everybody.

Killing a human apart from war situations and/or compalsory selfdefence, is acting against God's judgement. That is why murdering is an unforgivable crime.  Even death penalties are not permitted by God. Those that comite crimes repeatedly are to be separated from the society and kept in isolation.


There is The Crown on top of everything. Eternal Universes coming down from this single Crown.

Visualize a swing caorusel, seats tied with chains to the same one drum above them. Making the chairs turn.

As for the Universes, only the seats are infinite in numbers and some are within each other. All are being turned by this single Pover. The unique and infinite Pover. The Almighty. “The Universe is full of life. But the Universe is immense. And intelligent life living in the physical manifestation is scattered about a great and vast arena. It is concentrated in some places more than other. Your world exists in an area of congregation, an area that has many inhabited worlds beyond your Solar System.”

“The physical universe is changing and evolving. God is not managing it because it is self-perpetuating. God does not have to manage every little swirl in the current of a river because the river is self-perpetuating. It is running on its own. God does not have to manage every little breeze in the air, or the shape of every little cloud, because these phenomena are all being perpetuated by the geological and biological forces that were set in motion at the beginning of the creation of the physical reality.”

God is in us, God is in animals, plants and everything which are eternal in numbers. There are infinite numbers of Universes independent of each other. Think of God's energy as an endless labyrinth.
It is wrong to say "Search God only within yourself". GOD is everywhere both within and without.



God's judgement regarding gender condition is final. Those who are perverted such as transgender; gays, lesbiens, bisexual, intersex,  and as such perversions, even those who accept this incidents as normal, those who make friendships with them, marries to them, who confirms and legalize this perversion, and who blesses them, anyone who feels affinity with them are going to be annihilated by God and they shall not see the eternal life.

On the contrary they shall taste the spiritual death. The intercourse between men and women are only for breeding. That is the only purpose, so that human beings can continue to exist on Earth.
Transgendering of any kind and pervert relationships are all mental illnesses. They should be treated as the other mentally ill individuals.
A  man  and a woman  promise to become one in front  of  God and become  one flesh.
That  is  called  a  family  and  the essential  core  of  the healty community.
So called  gays  and  lesbians  are  mentally   ill  and  morally  pervert  people.
Same as fornication.
 This  should  not be accepted as normal in communities. This kind of sickness  will  rot  natural  relationships  in  time.

They should enter under a remedy treatment.

Spirituality is the God's call, on the contrary  religiousness  is  believing  in dogmas without  any inner intuatiotion. With dogmas you soul will be conquered by negative feelings such as rage,  hatred and fear. Your soul will be full of Spirituality  is  the God's   call,
On the contrary religiousness   is   believing  in  dogmas without any inner intuatiotion
When you believe blindly in dogmas, actually insulting your consciousness, you are being pulled down by the darkness.
But, with intuition you will be filled with unconditional Divine Love for everybody and everything meaning that you have reached the unity.

When you believe blindly in dogmas, actually insulting your consciousness, you are being pulled down by the darkness.

With dogmas you soul will be conquered by negative feelings such as rage, hatred and fear
Those perversions are rebel against God.
But, with intuition you will be filled with unconditional Divine Love for everybody and everything meaning that you have reached the unity.

Your soul will be full of love, peace and understanding.

You don't  need a religion to reach me.
All you need is love.
Only with Love in your hearts like little children you can reach me and God.
These are the steps of stairs.
Love,  Me and God.
With Love in your hearts you can reach me.
If you reach me you can reach to God.
I  couldn't  teach  that  to human beings.
You can directly reach me by love.
Declare that to all people.
They don't need any mediator.
Love God with all you soul, heart and mind and love people as yourself.
All you need is love.

Most people are asleep and do not realize that there exists a higher spiritual reality; it is as though they see the lower illustration, take it at face value, and assume that there is nothing more. Through the faculty of intuition, however, it is possible for the higher Mind to discern the existence of a more inclusive reality. Yeshua, is both a symbol and an expression of this higher knowledge.

Spirituality is the God's  call,  on  the  contrary  religiousness  is believing in dogmas without any inner intuation.

When you believe blindly in dogmas, actually insulting your consciousness, you are being pulled down by the darkness. With dogmas you soul will be conquered by negative feelings such as rage, hatred and fear.

But, with intuition you will be filled with unconditional Divine Love for everybody and everything meaning that you have reached the unity.
Your soul will be full of love, peace and understanding.

I hope most of you will awake before death and be taken.  Do not be a warrior. Drop your shields. Leave your passion. Leave all your addictions, fear, nerviousness. Let love be your path and light be your comrade on this path. Fill your heart with love for God and do not allow anything to violate this love. Do not put anything before your love for God. Keep calm. Do not allow nerviousness control your mind and do not let fear and infidelity fill in your heart.

Turn your face to light and let the light illimunate your face. You are neither your emotions nor your mind. You are a being above them. Be aware of your reactions. Watch them as a third person and criticize. Put them down when they are short tempered. When your mind become like a clear water reflecting all who looks at you and, your emotions positive, full of love then you are eligible for becoming a part of the Holy Spirit. You are not part of the rebirth ring any longer.




When the sun goes down, it's very last moment's colour is yellow,  also the colour of the leaves at autumn are also yellow. When we die the color of our bodies also turn to yellow. Yellow is the color of existential (biological) death.

Human beings fear of death, some are afraid that they are to say farewell to their possessions, the loved ones or simply the feelings of their co-existence. However death is actually a new birth in another dimensions. As the sun goes down and comes back from other direction and the leaves are reproduced again in following spring, human beings are also incarnate again in another bodies in due times. Actually their souls return again with another identites and with more risen consciousness.

In our time, 2016 AD, the scientic researches in hospitals and reseach centers have shown that the consciousness live even after the body dies. NDE experience as well as the voluntarily hipnotized people has given the information of the after life. There are thousand of files regarding this subject at the universities. In addition to that, people have their own personal intuitions and dreams regarding a life after biological death.

Every death is a new awakening for the soul of human beings. Thus, we may say that we are not bodies with souls, but souls using bodies. We are in bodies on earth to rise our consciousness. There is a life beyond the physical death.

There is also a second death, colour of which is black.  That is the death of the soul by means of being erased of total memories in afterlife. That is the real death of a conscious being.  The complete annihilation. Actually this is the death we have to be afraid of, not the death of our physical bodies.

Fear of death, biological death of the physical bodies on earth has caused human beings act in such diverse actions as breaking rules and violating boundaries, manic celebrations, attempt to possess privilaged status among others, gain wealth, very often violance directed to others as well as some constructive behaviours.

Yeshua told us 2000 years ago that fear not the death of bodies but the souls. Universe, we know today is composed of waves and particules which is called 'energy'. Everything, when went down to the core, is energy. We are all united to each other. Fragmants of the same whole. This energy takes forms and directed by Universal Consciousness, we call Him God.  There are individual consciousness we call them on earth, human beings. The Source is One. All beings are sustained by God.

Our main identities are our souls which are created by God to live in timeless eons with Him and act as His soldiers on earth. To receive and give His divine energy which is 'love' to all the creatures. But, alas,  this is long forgetten by us and obtaining the worldly lusts have taken the place of our main duty. This, unfortunately but certainly shall take us to the second death which is total annihilation in the afterlife. So, wake up.


Keep your heart with all diligence,
For out of it spring the issues of life.

The word diligence is define as:

1. Earnest and persistent application to an undertaking; steady effort;
2. Attentive care; heedfulness.

We must be consistent about keeping our hearts (and in the Bible, the word “heart” usually means our souls… that which makes us what we are—our “selves”) under God’s control and guidance. We do that by constantly praying and seeking God’s guidance before each move we make. He says that “out of it (our hearts/selves) spring the issues of life.

If our “hearts” are centered on God and His ways, then what springs out of our lives are fruits of the Spirit: gentleness, kindness, love, joy, peace, faithfulness, goodness, patience, and self-control, these “issues” are the ones we want.


LOVE and INNOCENCE will take us into the TIMELESS KINGDOM of GOD.


*The murder of the children is of importance because it discloses the character of Herod and the perils surrounding the newborn Messiah. *

That Innocency Asks with Confidence, and Obtains. In the Epistle of John: "If our heart blame us not, we have confidence ...

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary

1. (a.) Not harmful; free from that which can injure; innoxious; innocuous; harmless; as, an innocent medicine or remedy.
2. (a.) Morally free from guilt; guiltless; not tainted with sin; pure; upright.
3. (a.) Free from the guilt of a particular crime or offense; as, a man is innocent of the crime charged.
4. (a.) Simple; artless; foolish.
5. (a.) Lawful; permitted; as, an innocent trade.
6. (a.) Not contraband; not subject to forfeiture; as, innocent goods carried to a belligerent nation.
7. (n.) An innocent person; one free from, or unacquainted with, guilt or sin.
8. (n.) An unsophisticated person; hence, a child; a simpleton; an idiot.

If you reach to certain degrees in wickedness then your conscience cannot carry that burdan anymore. Consequently you start denying the moral values and following to that you deny God in order to compansate for the guilty feelings. But that is the way which takes you to eternal darkness.


It starts from the top to the bottom. First mind,  second eyes, third tonque, forth heart, and last the body language. Yeshua.
It is never safe to trust the guidance of life to tastes, inclinations, or to anything but clear reason, set in motion by calm will, and acting under the approbation of ‘the Lord Chief Justice, Conscience.’

The power and the habit of sternly saying ‘No’ to the whole crowd of tempters is always the main secret of a noble life. ‘He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down and without walls.’

Proverbs 4:23–26 instructs believers to, “above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.” When Solomon refers to guarding the heart, he really means the inner core of a person, the thoughts, feelings, desires, will, and choices that make that person who he/she is. The Bible tells us that our thoughts often dictate who we become (Proverbs 23:7;27:19). The mind of a man reflects who he really is, not simply his actions or words. That is why God examines the heart of a man, not simply his outward appearance and what he appears to be (1 Samuel 16:7).

Just as there are many diseases and disorders that can affect the physical heart, there are many ailments of the spiritual heart that can impair growth and development as a believer. Atherosclerosis is a hardening of the arteries due to accumulated cholesterol plaques and scarring in the artery walls. Hardening of the spiritual heart can also occur. Hardening of the heart occurs when we are presented with God’s truth, and we refuse to acknowledge or accept it.


"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies, blessing them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them whose despitefully use you, and persecute you".
God is the spring of kindness, goodness and cleanness. From this clean spring, is it possible to drink dirty water? One can drink only clean water. But, if the mouths of the drinkers are dirty than the water gets dirty as well in their mouths. As such only goodness can be prayed from God. Badness cannot be prayed from Him. Badness for somebody else or curse cannot be wished from that pure Spring. Those who do this vile wishes are punished by God. Remember; "Pray for your enemies as well".  Yeshua
"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it."  Martin Luther King Jr.,
They say: "There is a thin line between love and hate". That is true for human beings. These two dense earthly feelings go side by side and from time to time one is transformed into the other. But, when we hate somebody we can not forgive.
Forgiveness is not possible while we still hate someone. Hate actually is a burden on our souls. We become a slave of this negative feeling. Actually this is true for all negative feelings whereas love is freedom. Love takes all our burdens away. Love set our souls free.

Forgiveness brings the forgiver peace of mind and frees him or her from corrosive anger. While there is some debate over whether true forgiveness requires positive feelings toward the offender, experts agree that it at least involves letting go of deeply held negative feelings. In that way, it empowers you to recognize the pain you suffered without letting that pain define you, enabling you to heal and move on with your life.

We may hate someone because we love him/her and are unable to free ourselves of our love for him/her, or because this love is not reciprocated. You don't always feel jealousy about a woman/man or shout at a woman/man because you hate her/him. Because you love her/him, that's romantic love. No doubt, love can be extremely dangerous, and people have committed the most horrific crimes in the name of love (and religion).

The claim that love and hate exist simultaneously is a more difficult case to explain; here we need to understand how two such divergent attitudes can be directed at the same person at the same time. A woman may say that she dearly loves her partner in general but hates him because of his dishonesty. Accordingly, people do say something like: "I love and hate you at the same time." In this kind of attitude the profound positive and negative evaluations are directed at different aspects of the person.

For God there is only pure love. God embraces all His creatures with love only. God doesn't expect anything from us. He wants us to be pure. He expects us to maintain the pureness He had given us at the beginning. He wants us to be pure like Himself and live with Him at the highest éons. God doesn't hate. That's why His forgiveness is unmeasurable. But, God's forgiveness also is not limitless. There are some humans that God doesn't forgive and once He judges and gives His conviction, then that is final. In that case God cuts every sustenance and all His blessing for this soul.

If you use a perverted version of my teachings as a justification for closing your mind to my real teachings, you are not one of my modern-day disciples.

Truely, today many people cannot find a lasting heart connection to the real Yeshua and his teachings because, according to most so called religious authorities, Yeshua no longer talks to us. In reality, Yeshua is a spiritual being and he is working to help all people who are able to raise their consciousness and attune to his Presence. He is not dead. He is alive.

For the past 2,000 years he has maintained a line of communication through those who have been willing to serve as messengers for his Living Word and who have pursued an understanding of his true message instead of settling for official religious doctrines.

Once you admit that mainstream religious traditions have not answered your questions about life, you are wery close in getting contact with the divine truth.

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