
27 Şubat 2017 Pazartesi


Let us put ourselves on trial whether we are pure-hearted or no. Here I shall do two things to show the signs, first, of an impure heart; second, of a pure heart.

1 An ignorant heart is an impure heart. To be ignorant of sin or Christ argues impurity of heart. Nahash the Ammonite would enter into covenant with the men of Jabesh-Gilead so he might thrust out their right eyes (1 Samuel 11:2). Satan leaves men their left eye. In worldly knowledge they are quick-sighted enough but the right eye of spiritual knowledge is quite put out (2 Corinthians 4:4). Ignorance is Satan's stronghold (Acts 26:18). The devils are bound in chains of darkness (Jude 6). So are all ignorant persons. Impossible it is that an ignorant heart should be good. It is knowledge makes the heart good. That the soul be without knowledge is not good' (Proverbs 19:2). For any to say that, though their mind be ignorant yet their heart is good, they may as well say that, though they are blind yet their eyes are good. In the law, when the plague of leprosy was in a man's head the priest was to pronounce him unclean. This is the case of an ignorant man. The leprosy is in his head, he is unclean'. That heart cannot be very pure which is a dungeon. Grace cannot reign where ignorance reigns. An ignorant man can have no love to God. He cannot love that which he does not know'. He can have no faith. Knowledge must usher in faith (Psalm 9:10). He cannot worship God aright (John 4:22). Though he may worship the true God, yet in a wrong manner. Ignorance is the root of sin. Blindness leads to lasciviousness (Ephesians 4:18, 19; Proverbs 7:23). Ignorance is the mother of pride (Revelation 3:17). It is the cause of error (2 Timothy 3:7), and, which is worse, an affected ignorance. It is one thing to be ignorant; it is another thing to be unwilling to know'. Many are in love with ignorance. They hug their disease (Job 21:14; 2 Peter 3:5). Ignorant minds are impure. There is no going to heaven in the dark.

2 That heart is impure which sees no need of purity. I am rich and have need of nothing' (Revelation 3:17). Not to be sensible of a disease is worse than the disease. You shall hear a sick man say, I am well, I ail nothing'. There are some who need no repentance' (Luke 15:7). Some sinners are too well to be cured. Heart purity is as great a wonder to the natural man as the new birth was to Nicodemus (John 3:4). It is sad to think how many go on confidently and are ready to bless themselves, never suspecting their condition till it be too late.

3 He has an impure heart who regards iniquity in his heart. If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me' (Psalm 66:18). In the original it is If I look upon sin', that is, with a lustful look. Sin-regarding is inconsistent with heart-purity.


Some by pure in heart, understand chastity, others sincerity. But I suppose purity here is to be taken in a larger sense for the several kinds and degrees of holiness. They are said to be pure who are consecrated persons, having the oil of graces poured upon them. This purity is much mistaken.

Civility is not purity. A man may be clothed with moral virtues justice, prudence, temperance yet go to hell.

Profession is not purity. A man may have a name to live and yet be dead. He may be swept by civility and garnished by profession, yet the devil may dwell in the house. The blazing comet is no star. The hypocrite's tongue may be silver, yet his heart stone. Purity consists in two things; rectitude of mind, a prizing holiness in the judgement. Conformity of will, an embracing of holiness in the affections. A pure soul is cast into the mould of holiness. Holiness is a blood that runs in his veins.

26 Şubat 2017 Pazar


Yargılamak, lanetlemek, öç almak ruhsal olarak olgunlaşmamış kabile insanlarının karakter özellikleridir. Bunlar kendilerine tabi olmayan, kendilerine kul köle olmayan herkese savaş açarlar. Önemsiz sebeblerle insanları cezalandırabilir hatta  öldürebilir ve öldürmeye azmettirebilirler. Hükmettiklerinin bu ezik  hallerinden zevk alırlar. Bu yaptıklarınıda kendi yarattıkları tanrıya atfederler. İnsanlara acımasızca hükmeden bir tanrı ki bu tanrı figürü onların kendi ilkel benliklerinden başka birşey değildir. Onlara göre tanrı korku ve eziyetle hükmeden bir diktatördürdür. Kendisi için savaşan ve öldürenler ister ve onlarada buna larşılık cennet denilen bir mekanda tüm bedensel şehvetleri sonsuz vereceğini vaad eder.

Sezgiler tamamen şeytanidir ve Tanrının sevgi olduğu ve insanlara bir babanın çocuklarına yardım eder gibi onların olgunlaşmasına ve sevgiye ulaşmasına yardım eden bir Tanrı olduğu bilgisini, Yeşua vasıtasıyla sunmuş olan gerçek Tanrının öğretisine tamamen terstir.


The covetous heart is an impure heart. The earth is the most impure element. The purity of the heart lies in the spirituality of it, and what more opposite to spiritualness than earthiness? Covetousness is the root of all evil.

. Covetousness is the root of discontent.
. Covetousness is the root of theft.
. Covetousness is the root of murder.
. Covetousness is the root of perjury.
. Covetousness is the root of treason.
. Covetousness is the root of idolatory.
. Covetousness is the root of bribery and injustice.
. Covetousness is the root of necromancy.
. It is the root of fraud and cezenage in dealings.
. It is the root of uncleanness.


Yeşua Mesihin aracılığıyla ruhum yıkandı ve arındı. Senin adın, senin iraden, senin egemenliğinle Yeşua Mesihin rehberliğinde huzuruna geldim Tanrım.

Gökte olduğu gibi yeryüzünde de senin isteğin olsun. Senin ilahi takdirine güveniyorum.

Allahım bizi her türlü kötülükten kurtar, çağımıza rahmetinle barış getir.

Benim değil Senin dediğin olsun Tanrım.

...Bela sakın istemeyin, bela belayı çeker.

...Kişisel isteklerinizi de dile getirin sonra akışa bırakın mutlaka birgün bu isteğinizin olacağını bilin ama süre koşulu istemeyin.


21 Şubat 2017 Salı


What is this Destiny of all of mankind?   When God no longer is an “object of wonder”, but rather an “object of desire” and we, desiring to be purified from the defilements of this world, make ourselves fit vessels for the Lord to indwell, the Spirit reveals to us our true nature, and the revelation of this manifest Sacred Knowledge makes us like God's beacons emmiting frequency for those who are ready to receive; so that when we have thus become lights of Himself, then we are united with Him as God's children and, God being united to us, and that perhaps to the same extent as He already knows those who are known to Him”.

St. Nazianzen writes that “the Divine Nature is boundless and hard to understand” by those who are yet carnal and think as natural beings of this world.

20 Şubat 2017 Pazartesi


“Ben onlara Senin sözünü ilettim, …ben dünyadan olmadığım gibi, onlar da dünyadan değiller. Onları dünyadan uzaklaştırmanı değil, kötü olandan korumanı istiyorum. Ben dünyadan olmadığım gibi, onlar da dünyadan değiller..."  Yeshua.

Dünyanın ateş ve sülfürle sonunu getiren kindar insan misali tanrısı ile Yeshua'nın anlattığı gerçek Tanrı arasında çok fark vardır. İnsanlardan, dediklerini yapanları dünya standartlarında sefaat içinde sonsuz yaşatan ama kendisine karşı gelenleri sonsuz ateşlerde ölmelerine izin vermeden devamlı yakan bir tanrıdan bahseden peygamberlerin hezeyan sayılabilecek cehaletlerine bu devirde hala inananların olmasını  hayretle karşılamak lazım. Halbuki, Yeşua, 2000 yıl önce, ölüm ötesinde bunların olmadığını, Tanrının sevgi olduğunu, ışık olduğunu ve insanlardan sevgi yolunda sonuna kadar yüreyenleri kendisi ve Tanrı ile birlikte ebedi bir yaşamın beklediğinin mesajını bizlere vermişti. Halbuki diğerleri Tanrıyı şahsileştirmişler hatta bir kısmı kendi kabilelerinin tanrısı yapmışlardır. Malesef Yeşua'nın gerçek mesajıda onun adını kullanan insanlar tarafından ortadan kaldırılmıştır.

Yeşua diridir ve hala insanlara mesajlarının gerçeğini hatırlatmaktadır, sürekli alıcı gönüllere bir şekilde gerçeğin bilgisini iletmektedir. Bilgi verilmekte ama herhangi bir kabul, onay beklenmemektedir çünki bu olay içinde ruhların  sayısı değil vasıfları önemlidir. Kimseden maddi bir beklentide yoktur. Olmazda. Hedef, sadece alabilecek seviyede olan ruhların uyarılmaları ve doğru bilgiyle donatılmalarıdır. Çarpıtılan bilgilerin doğrusu hatırlatılmaktadır.

Ruhsal olan gerçeği ruhaniyet yönü ağır basanlar alabilmektedir ancak bu arada bir çok sahte mürşitte türemiştir. En büyük düşkünlükleri para ve seks olan bu sahtekarların şeytanı temsil ettiklerini söylemek abes olmaz. Gerçek ruhaniler ise hiç bir zaman maddi konulara girmezler. Dünyasal takıntıları yoktur.  Tutkularını tamamen kontrol altına almışlardır. Kendilerini ön plana çıkarmazlar. Reklamlarını yapmazlar. Çok ince ve sakin insanlardır. Onlar falcılar gibi kişisel konulara girmezler. İnsanlardan herhangi bir menfaat talepleri olmaz. Zorlamazlar. Onlar bu dünyadan değillerdir.

Yeşua'nın gerçek mesajı 1700 yıl önce dünyanın baskın karanlık güçlerince değiştirildi ve böylece insanların yaşamlarında bu bilgiler ışığında doğru kararlar alması engellendi.

Ruhani mesajın orjinal çerçevesini kavramadan insanların cehalet çukurundan çıkması mümkün değildir. İnsanlar esasda Tanrının kızları ve oğullarıdır. Amaç ruhların Tanrının kalbinde ebedi yaşama ulaşmasıdır. Bunun yolu da önce Tanrıyı ve sonrada tüm varlığı sevmektir. Varlığın birbiri ile bir şekilde bağlı olduğu gerçeğinin idrak edilmesidir. Var ve bir olan Yaratanın herşeyin içinde ve dışında olduğunu bilmemizdir.  Tanrının ışık olduğunu ve bu ışıkta karanlık hiçbir şeyin bulunmadığını bilmektir. Dünyanın sonu gibi öcü masallarından artık kurtulmuş olmaktır. 



 "You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Matt 5:27-28 NKJ).  


Size 'zina etmeyin' dendi. Ben ise diyorum ki: ' Eğer bir kadına şehvetle bakarsanız zaten kalbinizde zina etmiş olursunuz'. Yeşua.

19 Şubat 2017 Pazar


Mesihin sevgi yolunun takipçisi olabilmek için kişi önce kendi zihninin derinliklerine bakıp nefsani takıntılarını görmesi gerekir ki onları bırakabilsin.

Bu içsel bir yoldur. Kişi bu yolda tamamen dünyasal tutkularından kurtulabilmiş olmalıdır. Aksi takdirde bu yolda yürümek çok zordur. İnsan kendi aklının sınırlarını zorlayabilir ama bu yolda zorlama olmaz. Kişi dünyasal takıntılarından tamamen kurtulmuş ve ruhsal zafere tam odaklanmış olmalıdır. İnsan herşeyden önce tevazu sahibi olması gerekir. Kibir ve inkarla uzak durmalıdır. Kendini Tanrinin sesi olarak gormemelidir. Elbette son nefesimizi verene kadar bazı insani takıntılarımız bizleri yoklamaya devam edecektir ama bizim farkındalığımız bunu kontrol altında tutmalıdır. Evet, Tanrı katındaki Tanrının sonsuz yaşam vaadine hak kazanmak kolay değil.

17 Şubat 2017 Cuma



Benim gibi ölüme yakın klinik ölüm vakaları yaşıyanların ruhları bölünüyor. Bir yarımız burada ve diğer yarımız orada kalıyor. Kendimde hissettiğim farklılıklar sonucunda benimle aynı şekilde klinik ölüm deneyimi yaşamış insanları araştırınca, yazılanlardan bu sonuca vardım.

Bu deneyi yaşıyan başkaları beni anlayacaklardır. Umarım...

Ben kesinlikle şijofren değilim. Bilime inanırım ama bilimle bilimi uyguyanları karıştırmamak lazım. Ameliyat masasında kalp krizi geçirip ölmeme sebeb olan doktorlardı. Bilim değil doktor hatası idi. Öldüğümü gördüm. Nefes almamı kendim durdurdum ve çıktım. Sonra yanıma ruhsal kardeşim (Yeshua) geldi ve bana korkma seni yaşatacağım; Tanrı sana ikinci bir şans verdi diyerek sağ elinin işaret ve orta parmaklarını boğazıma sürdü ve nefes almaya başladım. Bu gerçektir çünkü komadan çıktığımda, canlandırma bölümünde yaşayanlardan birinin ruhunu bedeninin dışında, orada görmüştüm, bu defa yanımdaki yatakta yatmakta olduğunu gördüm. 18 yaşında olduğunu öğrendiğim o genç kız 3 gün sonra vefat etti ve doktorların terimi ile fişini çektiler.
Şimdi sizler bunlara gülebilirsiniz de, ama, bu beni hiç etkilemez. Ben bunları buram buram yaşadım. O günden beride öbür tarafla irtibatım hiç kesilmedi. Kabirde olan bazı ruhlar azapları başlar diye uyanmak bile istemiyorlar. Tanrıyı unutmayın. Sevgi ve barış yolundan, doğruluktan ayrılmayın.

Doğru yoldan ayrılmayın. Kabirden çıkamayanların durumu çok feci. Katiller ve Tanrı adını nefslerine alet ederek din tüccarlığı ve din siyaseti yapanlar en baştalar malesef. Yine büyü, insan hür iradesine müdahale peşinde olanlar aynı katagoride. Bunlar ebedi ölümü tatmayı bekliyorlar. Azap içindeler.

Bazıları ise kabre bile girmeden ışığa alınıyor. Kalbi temiz olanlar ve dünyevi takıntısı kalmamış olanlar kabre girmiyor. Bazıları kabirde bir müddet şuuraltlarındaki kayıtları gerçek gibi yaşıyor. Çok çeşitli durumlar var. Ayrıca orada kimseye din, kitap vs sorulmuyor. Kalplerin(ruhların) rengi zaten ortaya çıkıyor. Başka varlıklara acı çektirenlere bu acılar aynen gerçekmiş gibi yaşatılıyor. Neticede bir kısım karanlığa bir kısımda ışığa kavuşurken bazılarıda az bir ışıkta eğitimlere tabi tutulurak yeniden bedenlenme şansı verilmesini bekliyorlar. Dünya sınav yeri.

Esen kalın.
Alpaslan Kuzucan

16 Şubat 2017 Perşembe


Kadın sezgisel bir varlıktır. Kadının bu sezgiselliği hem henüz derdini anlatamayan bebeğinin dilini anlaması ve hemde erkeği kendi ruhuna ve dolayısıyla da Tanrıya yönlendirmesi için böyle yaratılmıştır. Hem bir eş hemde bir anne olarak bu böyledir. Erkek ise gücü ve analitik aklı temsil eder. Erk sahibidir. Kadını korur ve ona özgürce yeryüzünde güven içinde olabilme imkanını sağlar. Kadının sezgilerinin korku ve güvensizlik gibi sebeblerle  olumsuz kanallara kayıp bağlanmasını önler. Bu ona verdiği güven ve şefkat sayesindedir.  Görevi budur.

Kadın ve erkeği harem selam şeklinde birbirinden ayıran toplumlarda kadın fitneleşir adeta cadılaşır ve erkekte kabalaşır ve adeta hayvanlaşır. Elbette Tanrının istediği bu değildir.

Erkek herşeyden önce adil olmalı ve kendisine hak gördüğü herşeyin kadına da hak olduğunu bilmelidir. Adalet güven ortamını yaratır. Tüm insanlar hiç bir ayrım gözetilmeksizin hak olan(doğru, faydalı, iyi ve güzel) şeylerden faydalanma konusunda eşittir. Kötülüklerde ise eşitlik diye bir olgu yoktur. Ona bozulma denir.

Adaletin olduğu ortamlarda oluşan güven ortamı sevgiyi yaratır ve sevgi olan yerde iyilik ve duyarlılık olur. Zeka gelişir , bilgi birikir ve medeniyet olur.


Dini inançlar dokunulmaz değillerdir. Herkesin zihnindedir. İnsanın nerede doğduğu, nasıl yetiştirildiği, kimlerin kişi üzerinde etkili olduğu bunu belirleyen unsurlardır. Elbette bu durum onların mutlaka doğru olacağı anlamına gelmez. Kişi bunları aklı ile sorgulayabilmelidir. Bunu yapmadan birde başkalarının buna saygı duyması için baskı yapması olmadı iftira atması, tecavüz etmesi, malını gasp etmesi ve öldürmesi tam bir şeytani akıl hastalığıdır. Bu nedenle uyanın ve kendinizi eğitin. Şeytani boyutta kalıp kalmamak sizin elinizdedir.


Tam anlamıyla “Mesih inançlısı” olmak, din değiştirmek değil, bir kiliseye bir mezhebe üye olmak da değil, hatta Hıristiyan inancını benimsemek de değildir. Mesih’e bağlanmak, onun yaşarken bize verdiği sevgi mesajını özümsemek ve kalbimizi temiz tutmakla olur.

Yüreğe Yeşua’yı (Kutsal Ruhun önemli bir parçası) almadan istediğiniz kadar kiliseye gidin, bunun ne bir yararı ne de bir anlamı olur… Çünkü “içinde Mesih'in Ruhu olmayan kişi Mesih'in değildir”(Romalılar 8:9).

Bir keresinde yüreğini Yeşua’ya açan bir zenci bildiği en yakın kiliseye katılmaya karar verir. Beyazlardan oluşan kilisenin kapıdaki görevlisi kapıyı suratına kapar. Yüreğinde bir acılık oluşan kahramanımız, öldüğünde Yeşua’ya hesap sorar: “Hani senin kilisendi, beni neden içeri sokmadın?” Yeşua ona, “Beni de içeri almadıklarına göre, seni niye alsınlar?” diye cevap verir.

Mesih’i benimsemeyi, Hıristiyan aleminin kalıplaşmış töre, rivayet ve insan yapımı geleneklerden tamamen ayrı değerlendirmek gerekir. Mesih inancını Hıristiyanlıkla karıştırmamalıyız, Mesih topluluğunu Batının tamamen beyaz ırkın üstünlüğü üzerine kurulu sömergeci yapısıyla da karıştırmamalıyız.

Yalnız yüreğinde Mesih’in yaşadığı(O'nun sözlerini özümsemiş), yani Kutsal Ruh yapısını içselleştiren kişi, gerçek anlamda Mesih’e bağlı ve aynı Ruh’a ortak olan diğer bütün herkesle aynı halkın üyesi olur.


İnsan ruhu bedene girince adı insan olur. İnsan beden değil, bedeni bir ömür kullanan  ruhtur. Ruh kendinin farkında olan zaman ve mekan boyutlarının dışında bir bilinç birimidir.

Ruhun dünyasal manada cinsiyeti yoktur. Benimsenmiş kişilikler vardır ancak tamamen arınan ruhlar artık tüm dünyasal tutkularından ve takıntılarından arınmışlardır.  Nefsi yoktur bireysel farkındalık vardır ama üstünlük yoktur. Birlik vardır.

Bedenliyken tutkularımızdan kurtulmak mümkün değildir. Ancak onları  yönlendirebiliriz.  İstenen ve beklenende budur.  Doğru davranışlara...

Dünyada bedenliyken karşı cinsiyetten olduğunu düşünen ve öyle davrananlar akıl hastalarıdır. Onlarla arkadaşlık etmeyin. Onları onaylamak, sempatiyle bakmak, nikahlarını kıymak çok yanlıştır. Onlarla beraber yok oluşa götürür.

Dünyada ruhunu saflaştırabilen varlıklar ölüm ötesinde gözlerini ışığa açarlar. Onlar ışığa çekilip alınırlar ve orada ebedi yaşama kabul edilirler. Hükmü Tanrı kendi huzurunda verir. Bu ruhlara kutsal ruhlar denir. Bu manada Hristiyan topluluklarının kutsal ruh inanışları tamamen yanlıştır. Roma pagan dininden alınmıştır. Üçlük birlik diye birşey yoktur. Tanrı var ve bir Olandır.

Dünyada iken ruhlarını tam saflaştıramayanlar ölüm ötesinde saflık derecelerine göre eğitimlere alınarak Tanrının ikinci yada üçüncü, dördüncü...sayısını Tanrı bilir yeni  bir enkarnasyon şansı vermesini beklerler. Dünya sınav yeridir ve arınma sadece dünyada iken yapılabilir.

Öldürmek affı olmayan bir suçtur. Bilerek yada bilmeyerek olsun, savaş, nefsi müdafa ve görünmez kaza dışında can alanların affı yoktur. Ölüm ötesinde bilerek can almışsa ilahi adalet gereği verdiği tüm acılar kendisine aynen çektirildikten sonra ruhları yok edilir. İnsan öldürmenin her halukarda yanlış olduğunu bilmeden can almışsa verdiği acılar katile yaşatılmaz. Ama onlarda yok edilir. Bu ikinci ve gerçek ölümdür. Ebedi, gerçek ölüme götürür. İçine virüs giren bir programın bilgisayardan silinip atılması gibi düşünebiliriz.

Darp etmek, tecavüz, taciz, küfür, hırsızlık, yalan ve sahtecilik, aldatmak kısaca insana ve çevreye zarar veren tüm davranışlar sürekli tekrarlanırsa da ruhu ikinci ölüme mahkum eder. Programı silen Tanrıdır. Hüküm Onundur ve kesindir. Onun verdiği canı kimse alamaz bu anlamda idam cezasını Tanrı onaylamaz.   Bu kesinlikle yapılmamalıdır. Toplumdan müebbet tecrit yeterlidir.

İnsanların çoğu Tanrı konusunda ciddiyetten çok uzaktır. Başlarına gelenlerden dolayı  Tanrıyı yargılarlar.  Kim onlara Tanrıyı yargılama hakkını verdi? Böyle bir hak yoktur. Tanrıyı yargılayamayız.  Tanrıyı sorgulayamayız.  Tanrı konuşmaz, sabittir ve Varlığı değişmez. Tanrı yapar, konuşmaz. Ruhunu yeterince arındıranlara kendini hissettirir. Ruh bunu hisseder. Bizim içgüdü dediğimiz, olumsuz vesveseler vermiyorsa, ruhumuzla konuşmamızdır. İyi yada kötü hissederiz. Ruhun titreşimi ne kadar yükselmişse bu hissedişler o oranda belirgin olur. Kalp gözünün açılması budur.

Aslında tüm varlıklara sevgi enerjisini saf olarak aynı miktarda yollar fakat kalpler kirlilik oranlarına göre bu Tanrıdan gelen saf sevgi enerjisini kirletiyor. Temiz bir kaynaktan akan suda temizdir ama içenin ağzı kirliyse temiz suda kirlenir.

Bu günlerde Tanrının insanları kendileri ile baş başa bıraktığı insanların büyük çoğunluğunun yanlışa gitmesinden belli oluyor bu da bir ciddi karmaşa ve büyük bir yargı ve cezanın gelişinin habercisi gibi...

YESHUA...2012/16 Tebliğler...

15 Şubat 2017 Çarşamba


Mesih’in gelişiyle tarihte yeni bir devir açıldı. Mesih’in getirdiği ruhsal yaşam, yeni bir din değildir. Dünyanın belli bir kesimine yönelik ve bu yüzden o ülkelere özgü bir inanç da değildir. Hıristiyanlık Batı’nın dini değildir. Bir kere Müjde(Yeşua'nın mesajı) Orta Doğu’dan geldi. İkincisi ülkeler için değil, insanlar içindir. Üçüncüsü, bütün insanlara geldi.

Yeşua’nın kendisi bütün bunlardan “ulusların dönemi” olarak söz etti (Luka 21:24). Çünkü Mesih sayesinde ulusların ya da dinlerin yarattığı sınırların ötesinde, insanlar arasında özlenen kardeşlik nihayet gerçekleşecekti.

Mesih göğe alındıktan sonra Havariler(fiziksel olarak onun yanında olanlar ve bunu sevdikleri için yapanlar), Kudüs’te bulunan ve çeşitli uluslardan gelen kalabalığa Tanrı Sözünü onların dillerinde duyurdular. Yeşua bu şekilde müjdesinin evrensel açısını vurgular. Dinleyiciler arasında Partlar, Medler, Elamlılar, Mezopotamyalılar, Yahudiler vardı. Ayrıca, Türkiye’nin topraklarını oluşturan Kapadokya, Pontus, Asya ili, Frikya ve Pamfilya bölgelerinden gelenlerle birlikte, Mısırlı ve Libyalı, Romalılar, Giritliler ve Araplar da vardı! (Bkz. Elçilerin İşleri 2:9-11). Tanrı bir tek millete seslenmediği gibi bize, bir tek milletin diliyle de değil, kendi dilimizle hitap eder. Çünkü O bütün uluslara kucak açar.

Bütün uluslardan oluşan ve ulusların sınırlarını aşan, hatta göksel Babayla olan ilişki itibarı ile bu dünyanın boyutlarının ötesine uzanan yeni bir aile ortaya çıkıyor: Tanrı’nın oluşturmak istediği, sevgisinden doğan kendi ruhsal ailesi! O manevi Babamızdır, çağrısını kabul edersek eğer, diğer inananlar ile öz kardeşlikten öte olan ruhsal kardeşler oluruz.

Kendisine sığınan herkese, hangi dinden, ırktan ya da ulustan olursa olsun, yeni bir milliyete ya da yeni bir dine değil, sonsuz yaşama, göksel vatana (ebedi yaşama) girme hakkını verir.

Bu göksel vatanda... “her ulustan, her oymaktan, her halktan, her dilden oluşan, kimsenin sayamayacağı kadar büyük bir kalabalık tahtın… önünde” duracaktır. (Vahiy 7:9). Bu aile insanların eseri değil, Tanrı’nın yapıtıdır. İnananların, sevgiye dayalı bu birlikle birbirine sımsıkı sarılmalarını sağlayan neden de birtakım ortak kurallar, ayinler, töreler ya da dogmalar kesinlikle değil, Rab’bin ta kendisidir:

‘Rab de her gün yeni kurtulanları onların arasına katıyordu”(Elçilerin İşleri 2:47).

Sonuç olarak, gerçek “Hıristiyanlığın” anahtarı, yani Mesih’e gerçekten bağlanan kişilerdeki mühür, yüreklerindeki Kutsal Ruh’tur. Ruhtan yoksun olan beden, nasıl ölüyse, kişi Kutsal Ruh’tan yoksunsa, Mesih imanlısı olamaz; böyle kişilerden oluşan mezhep de Mesih’in Topluluğu değildir.


"Believing in God is something but, more important than this is that having God believing in us."

The spiritual ills--the moral collapse--of mankind are self-inflicted. Anyone can leave the cocoon of self-indenture, deep in spiritual imperfection, and become a new being--reborn. This rebirth is for anyone who seeks it, anytime, anywhere. Heart felt prayer is the only prerequisite.

Nothing can come between a spiritually aspiring soul and its Maker. Only the aspirant himself can put aside the Gift of Love once it is prayed for and is being received, if he fails to use it as often as he can in all that he does. Only he can fail to translate hope into spiritual faith and trust. Yes, if he fails in these, his failures will indeed come between his God and himself, at least to some degree.

Those who move forward spiritually on earth--fortified with the Father's Divine Love growing in their souls--who make relevant progress--will have put out the necessary calls for God's Help. They will have made continuing efforts in sincere and loving prayers of need and affirmation, then stood by to receive the rewards that ensued.

The Bible statement, "Fear not, little flock, for it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom," (Luke 12:32)

. Believe firmly in God's existence.
. Trust this loving God.
. Through prayer, continue to cultivate a deeper need to know Him better--to have a living soul-relationship with Him.
. Pray ardently to receive His Holy Gift of Divine Love.

God is limitless at every aspect. He warns directly and when He gives judgement it is irrevocable.

Everybody must be free to declare his or her opinions regarding politicians, religions, administrations, lifestyles and everything and everybody.

Killing a human apart from war situations and/or compalsory selfdefence, is acting against God's judgement. That is why murdering is an unforgivable crime.  Even death penalties are not permitted by God. Those that comite any kind of crimes repeatedly are to be separated from the society and kept in isolation.



Any time you feel lonely, unhappy, hopeless, depressed, unloved, unsafe, victimized by life, insecure, unworthy, worthless, a failure, ugly, unlovable, ostracized, and in any other way unhappy, you are making yourself feel those feelings—they are entirely within your own mind and the reality you’re creating. But you learned the assumptions and perspectives that result in those feelings from the material world. You didn’t have them as an infant, and you don’t need to have them now. But every time you feel these desperate feelings, it is because of something you’re believing about yourself and reality that is entirely untrue. It is a fear created by the material realm, but it is a lie.

Learn to listen to your spiritual self and you will learn that these things are lies. One by one, you can eliminate them from your life.

Being unhappy is a rebell against God. For God you are worthy and if you you think you are unworthy then you are rebelling. God loves us, and in return He wants us to smile, to love and to transcend. The moment we offer Him a soulful smile, God is pleased with us. The moment we offer Him an iota of our love, God is pleased with us.
The moment we want to transcend our earth-bound consciousness, God is pleased with us.

14 Şubat 2017 Salı


The hour comes and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeks such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. (John 4: 23-4)
When you stand praying, forgive… if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your trespasses. (Mark 11: 25-6)

“And he spoke a parable unto them to this end: that everyone ought to pray always, and not be lax.” (Luke 18: 1)

Watch and pray always. (Luke 22: 36) [These two passages point to the ability to always be in a prayerful or meditative state of Divine Presence.]

The "little virtues" of  patience, humility, gentleness, simplicity, honesty, and hospitality are powerful means for growing holy. All prayer and meditation must lead to action.The motivation with which you perform some action may be far more important and powerful than the action itself.

Freedom is one of the most precious and powerful gifts that God gives you. You are to use that freedom to grow in conformity to God's will.

Intellectual  learning, prayerful reflection, social interaction, work, play and all things creative should be valued as graced by God  and viewed as means for growing into a fully human person.

What it means to be holy?

This is what it means to be holy. It means deserving by our faithfull attitudes being set apart for God’s exclusive use.

“People are impatient, they want a judgment day, they want everything to be finished, they don’t want to have to live with great questions, great unresolved questions. They want God to punish others that they themselves cannot or will not punish. They think they know what justice is. And that is why the old way ( god ) is filled with revenge and anger and repudiation, that people are forced to believe with the threat of death and Hell.”


For those Anointed souls in the Kingdom of God, there is no judgment and condemnation. There is only universal peace, brotherhood, and unconditional love. We enter the Kingdom of God by maturing spiritually so we are peaceful, brotherly, and loving. To mature spiritually, we must leave behind the desire and expectation for punishment, revenge, rewards for the worthy, and retribution for the unworthy.

It is inconceivable that God retains one of the primary fleshly characteristics that humankind must learn to abandon. Can we imagine the ruler of a country today requiring all citizens to swear allegiance to him and worship him, then committing to a pit of unspeakable horror all those men, women, and children who don't swear allegiance, without opportunity for reprieve, where they are tortured unmercifully with fire and guards that bite their bodies, every day, all day, for the rest of their lives? Of course not. That ruler would be a monster more evil than Idi Amin, Stalin, or Hitler. And yet the religions would have us believe the God Yeshua described is that monster.

Judgment, condemnation, and retribution are spiritually immature attitudes characteristic of a tribal people that wages war with its neighbors, executes people for trivial indiscretions, and cheers when those with whom they disagree are defeated and punished. The religions assigned that immature attitude to the God it created, whom they portray as a ruthless dictator that rules through fear and intimidation, when it should have been helping people mature out of the need to judge and condemn. The sentiments are simply incompatible with spiritual maturity, Yeshua's teachings, and God. And what person who has merited heaven because of their love and compassion would want to spend every day in eternity knowing a parent, son, daughter, brother, or sister was writhing in pain in a fiery torture chamber and could never be redeemed? What kind of heaven would that be for them to be imagining their loved one's agony every morning when they awoke, and in the silence of every evening when they lay waiting for sleep to give them some relief? It is inconceivable that the God Yeshua described would condemn a parent, son, daughter, brother, or sister to that mental anguish for eternity.

And what sort of universe would it be for those who took to heart Yeshua's teachings and had become loving and compassionate to know that billions of people were in unspeakable agony while they were in heavenly luxury? The universe would, for eternity, contain pain, suffering, and misery, regardless of how mature a heavenly segment was becoming.

And those who were in the torment could never grow to become more compassionate, learning to love others and God. They would have no opportunity for reprieve, even if they changed in outlook and attitude. In fact, the hell thing would perpetuate anger and hatred in the universe as billions of souls cursed God and humanity. It's simply unthinkable for such a concept to be attributed to any God other than that fabricated by a church that itself encouraged the torture and murder of those who disagreed with its teachings.

In the Kingdom of God as Yeshua described it, no person will be judged; none will be unworthy; none will be unloved; none will be unacceptable. Probably the most difficult lesson we will have to learn, and the most persistent worldly characteristic we will have to abandon, is the desire for rewards given to us, who are right, and punishment and retribution inflicted upon them, who are wrong. The suggestion that God would judge humanity, committing the vast majority to eternal torment, is perfectly in character with the medieval church, but diametrically opposite to Yeshua's teaching about the Kingdom of God.

The hell myth is a fiction developed by the church to increase its power and keep the flock under control. It simply never existed.


Unless you change your old ways you cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven. You cannot allow two masters to rule your life. Either you will rebel against one and love the other; or respect one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and remain slave to the ways of this world.

The Son of God was sent to the world to save all that are lost: for it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven, that even the least among you remain of the kingdom.


The only real conflict between science and religion is seen in the fact that the multitude of scientists fail to comprehend the true depth of science, and the vast majority of religious people in the world fail to comprehend the true depth of their own religion.   And for purely political reasons, this prevailing junk-science is taught to our children in schools, while spiritually disenfranchised dogma is preached to the people in the churches.   Enlightened people are the few who know that once the depth of both science and religion is revealed to the mind, that all Creation becomes One Unified Thought and Expression.

As for the truth, there is only one. The God. Source of Light and Love. When souls were created they were seeing and talking with the Source Almighty. However due to the free will which had been given to souls, they devoloped ego and made the one into two. Seperation had began. All we are struggling to achive now is to return to oneness, the original state of us at the beginning again. Unfortunately not all will succeed. That is the only truth...

When you die you will see that there is only God and yourselves. These are the only truths. Rest is illision. This world is a dream. When you die you will awake either to light or to darkness. Awake before you die. That is resurrection.  That is spiritual birth.  To be completed after you die.

You don' t know when it is your last breath. The state of your hearth at your last breath is very important. İf it is troubled you will awake to nightmares/darkness which are your own creation.



The Whole Truth is revealed throughout one’s whole journey and throughout the whole of time. The Whole Truth is revealed in your relationship with the Divine and in your relationship with the whole manifestation of the Divine. The Whole Truth is experienced and learned in your explorations with the Whole.

Desiring to understand everything at once is one of the greatest mistakes that human beings make; believing that one can conceive of the inconceivable immediately. You continue to think that you can understand the inconceivable Whole Truth in a moment, in a word, in a concept that is in and of itself—and of its own nature—limited by nature.


Along with the new generations coming, the old are replaced and, with this replacement, will come the new perceptions. As the new generations replace the old generations, believes will also be replaced. In fact new generations will be cleverer but more mechanical.  More energetic, more perceptive, but more egoistic as well. Religions will be left and people will believe in a sort of Source but will be living more mechanical, more isolated lives. They shall get lonely.

Finally, I advice you to focus on God and His Light only at this last minutes. Accept death and do not pay attention to earthly affairs or remains any more.  In the very last minute, you will be shown the place, you are going after death.

The last seven minutes before dying biologically you shall be completely free to travel to everywhere and to all times in the past with your conscious. This includes the ancient times.



. İnsanlar Tanrı tarafından insan olarak yaratıldı. Ancak ilk insanların beyin kapasiteleri daha düşüktü. Zamanla gelişti.
. Bitki ve sonra hayvan ve sonra insan olma teorisi yanlıştır. Sizce Tanrının gücü insanı bir kerede yaratmaya yetmez mi?
. Karma yoktur. Ruh bedenlenince adı insan olur. Ve ruh doğumu takiben bebeğin ilk nefesiyle bedene girer. Daha öncesinde değil. Gelen ruh tamamen saftır. Tüm geçmiş hesaplarını vermiş ve bilinçaltı sıfırlanmıştır. Buluğ çağına kadar da saf kalır. Ancak şuuraltı kayıtları başlamıştır.
. Yeniden doğum sayısını Tanrı bilir ancak sayı sınırsız değildir. Sonuçta ruh ya ebedi yaşama hak kazanacaktır yada ebedi ölümle karşılaşacaktır.
. Bazı ruhlar, kendi hataları yada yetersiz gayret göstermeleri nedeniyle henüz Dünyada hiç bedenlenme şansı bulamamışlardır.
. Hayvanlar insan olmaz. Ölümle birlikte yaşam enerjileri doğaya karışır. Tekrar doğmaları diye bir olgu yoktur. Keza bitkilerde aynıdır.
. Kader planları dışında ani ölümler, kazalar, cinayet vs. ile ölenler hemen tekrar bedenlenme şansı elde ederler ve bu ruhlar yeniden bedenlendiklerinde geçmiş yaşamlarından bazı şeyleri hatırlayabilirler. 4 ile 11 yaşları arasında bu hatırlamalar olabilir ve sonrasında unutulur.


13 Şubat 2017 Pazartesi


When Yeshua physically walked the earth, is the same today, and only the names have changed to fool the people who blindly put their faith in the doctrines of men.

Absolutely nothing has changed! In the same way that carnal religious leaders in concert with self-serving government, crucified the Messiah at the beginning of our Common Era, they have continued to crucify the Living Word in every generation since. Yeshua had great compassion on the people who were poor in Spirit, because they were the lost prodigal sons and daughters who were being led in the wrong direction by their religious leaders and they were being exploited by the cultural and secular elite. They were sinners and often unbelievers, because of the manmade doctrines promoted by Institutionalized Religion. 


I have come from peace, I am in peace, I will go back to peace.
Peace is my origin and my goal.
To be in peace is to be in God's presence directly .
To return to that peace is to return to God.
That is our goal on Earth.


Spirituality is the God's call, on the contrary religiousness is believing  in dogmas without any inner intuition. With dogmas you soul will be conquered by negative feelings such as rage, hatred and fear. 

When you believe blindly in dogmas, actually insulting your consciousness, you are being pulled down by the darkness. But, with intuition you will be filled with unconditional Divine Love for everybody and everything meaning that you have reached the unity.

With dogmas you soul will be conquered by negative feelings such as rage, hatred, doubt, pride, jeaulosy and fear. Those perversions are rebel against God. But, with intuition your soul will be full of love, peace and understanding. There will be no fear or doubt in your love.


Tanrı ölülerin değil ama yaşayanların Tanrısıdır. Benimle konuşmanın ancak klise mensubu birkaç kişiye inhisar ettiğini söyleyenler doğruyu söylememektedirler. Ben sürekli dünyaya ruh olarak gelip gitmekte ve sesimi duyurmaktayım. 2000 yıldır bu aralıksız devam ediyor. Bizler için sayı önemli değildir. Sıra dışı ruhlar önemlidir. Tanrıyla beraber sonsuz yaşama kavuşmak sizce bu kadar kolaymı olmalıydı, hayır ama Dünya insanının barbarlığı beni gerçekten şaşırtmaktadır. Bilinçlerin hala bu derece ilkel seviyelerde kalmış olması üzücüdür. Siz Dünya insanları belki teknolojik olarak evrende en geri tür değilsiniz ama babarlıkta evrende en ileri seviyede olan birinci türsünüz. Gerçek sevgiyi hala hiç kavrayamadınız. Bunu kavrayamadan da varacağınız yer toprağın bağrıdır. Ölüler kervanına katılırsınız. Ruhlarınızda bedenlerinizle birlikte çürür ve madde elemanlarına ve enerjilerine dönüşür. Halbuki ben size ebedi yaşamı bulasınız diye gelmiştim. Bunun için işkence gördüm ve öldürüldüm ama ben dirilerdenim ve hala sizinle beraberim. Kapıları çalıyorum ve bekliyorum. Beni kabul edebilcekleri bekliyorum.

Bedenlerinizi de Tanrının hızmetine verin. İtibar ve güç peşinde koşmayın. Tüm güç Tanrınındır. Gücün kaynağı Tanrıdır ve siz kötüye kullanmayacağınızı ispat ettiğinizde o güçten kullandırılacaksınız. Tanrı herşeyle iç içedir lakin merkezde yalnız yine kendisi ve ebedi yaşama layık olabilmiş saf ruhlar Onun huzurundadırlar. Bunları düşünün.

Daima Sevgi yolunuz Işık yoldasınız olsun.



It is not a matter of studying outer teachings or performing certain practices and then somehow, magically, you will find yourself with superhuman powers. It is a matter of transforming your state of consciousness in a fundamental way, a transformation so profound that we cannot even imagine it when we start the path. This means you must be willing to look at yourself, to look into the subconscious mind.

You need to use what you have internalized in order to help others.

When you are following the spiritual path based on the self-centered motivation there will come a point where your growth stops.

Realize the difference between wanting only an outer teaching or wanting an encounter with a living master.

Service might mean dramatic changes in your life. There are so many times, where you cannot serve to your full capacity in the circumstances you are in right now.

Be willing to walk into the unknown, to take one step at a time.

Be willing to make those seismic shifts in your life that will put you on the path of your service.

The one and only key to entry into the ascended realm is your state of consciousness, and you are the only one who can change your state of consciousness.

The ego is an "entity" in your subconscious mind that has a form of survival instinct. As a result, the ego will seek to manipulate or scare you into holding on to the illusions that spring from separation. Unless you know about the ego and learn to see through its manipulation, you will find it very difficult to make progress on the path. This is equally true whether you come from a Christian, a Buddhist, a Hindu, a New Sage, a Muslim or any other background.

There is no outer rule that can be given in this world for what is right according to God’s absolute reality.

You can attain much by consciously working on non-attachment.

Non-attachment is not the same as indifference.

It is a delicate balance to remain non-attached but at the same time not to become indifferent

The path that Yeshua offers is a path of total humility. It is the path of the total humility of letting go of all of the pride of the ego so that you can simply walk away from it and be free.


Spiritual blindness is when people are convinced that because they belong to the only true religion or spiritual teaching they are guaranteed to be saved.

Most religious and spiritual people are following a path that cannot lead to salvation or higher consciousness.

Hypocrisy is when people are unwilling to change because they accept the illusions of their egos as reality.


Ruhsal körlük insanların inandığı dinin ya da ruhsal öğretinin tek doğru olduğuna inanması ve bunun kendisini kurtaracağının garanti olduğu ön yargısına saplanmasıdır.

Birçok dindar yada ruhani fert kendilerini kurtuluşa ya da daha yüksek bir bilinç seviyesine taşıyacak yoldan uzaktadır.

İki yüzlülük ise kişilerin kendi nefslerinin illüzyonlarını gerçek olarak kabul etmeleri nedeniyle değişmek konusundaki isteksizlikleridir. 

12 Şubat 2017 Pazar


Keep your heart with all diligence,
For out of it spring the issues of life.

The word diligence is define as:

1. Earnest and persistent application to an undertaking; steady effort;
2. Attentive care; heedfulness.

We must be consistent about keeping our hearts (and in the Bible, the word “heart” usually means our souls… that which makes us what we are—our “selves”) under God’s control and guidance. We do that by constantly praying and seeking God’s guidance before each move we make. He says that “out of it (our hearts/selves) spring the issues of life.

If our “hearts” are centered on God and His ways, then what springs out of our lives are fruits of the Spirit: gentleness, kindness, love, joy, peace, faithfulness, goodness, patience, and self-control, these “issues” are the ones we want.


If you reach to certain degrees in wickedness then your conscience cannot carry that burdan anymore. Consequently you start denying the moral values and following to that you deny God in order to compansate for the guilty feelings. But that is the way which takes you to eternal darkness.


It starts from the top to the bottom. First mind,  second eyes, third tonque, forth heart, and last the body language.

It is never safe to trust the guidance of life to tastes, inclinations, or to anything but clear reason, set in motion by calm will, and acting under the approbation of ‘the Lord Chief Justice, Conscience.’

The power and the habit of sternly saying ‘No’ to the whole crowd of tempters is always the main secret of a noble life. ‘He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down and without walls.’

Proverbs 4:23–26 instructs believers to, “above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.” When Solomon refers to guarding the heart, he really means the inner core of a person, the thoughts, feelings, desires, will, and choices that make that person who he/she is. The Bible tells us that our thoughts often dictate who we become (Proverbs 23:7;27:19). The mind of a man reflects who he really is, not simply his actions or words. That is why God examines the heart of a man, not simply his outward appearance and what he appears to be (1 Samuel 16:7).

Just as there are many diseases and disorders that can affect the physical heart, there are many ailments of the spiritual heart that can impair growth and development as a believer. Atherosclerosis is a hardening of the arteries due to accumulated cholesterol plaques and scarring in the artery walls. Hardening of the spiritual heart can also occur. Hardening of the heart occurs when we are presented with God’s truth, and we refuse to acknowledge or accept it.


I hope most of you will awake before death and be taken.  Do not be a warrior. Drop your shields. Leave your passion. Leave all your addictions, fear, nerviousness. Let love be your path and light be your comrade on this path. Fill your heart with love for God and do not allow anything to violate this love. Do not put anything before your love for God. Keep calm. Do not allow nerviousness control your mind and do not let fear and infidelity fill in your heart.

Turn your face to light and let the light illimunate your face. You are neither your emotions nor your mind. You are a being above them. Be aware of your reactions. Watch them as a third person and criticize. Put them down when they are short tempered. When your mind become like a clear water reflecting all who looks at you and, your emotions positive, full of love then you are eligible for becoming a part of the Holy Spirit. You are not part of the rebirth ring any longer.


You don't  need a religion to reach me.
All you need is love.
Only with Love in your hearts like little children you can reach me and God.
These are the steps of stairs.
Love,  Me and God.
With Love in your hearts you can reach me.
If you reach me you can reach to God.
I  couldn't  teach  that  to human beings.
You can directly reach me by love.
Declare that to all people.
They don't need any mediator.
Love God with all you soul, heart and mind and love people as yourself.
All you need is love.



What it means to be holy?

This is what it means to be holy. It means deserving by our faithfull attitudes being set apart for God’s exclusive use.

“People are impatient, they want a judgment day, they want everything to be finished, they don’t want to have to live with great questions, great unresolved questions. They want God to punish others that they themselves cannot or will not punish. They think they know what justice is. And that is why the old God is filled with revenge and anger and repudiation, that people are forced to believe with the threat of death and Hell.”


İnsanlar gereksiz konuşmalardan kaçınıp Tanrıyı düşünsünler. Yüzlerini ışığa çevirsinler.  İnsanların sorunlarını, eğer sonuca ulaştıracak bir durumda değillerse gereksiz meraklarla soruşturmasınlar. Boşuna konuşmasınlar.

Bu boş konuşmalar enerji kaybıdır hâlbuki enerjinizi Tanrıya yönlendirirseniz daha iyi olur. Tanrı zaten gerekeni gerektiği zaman yapacaktır. Birde onun görevlendirdiği ruhlar kendilerine verilen görevi verildiği gibi hemen yaparlar. Siz sorunu olan herhangi bir kimseye olumlu katkı yapacak durumda değilseniz bu durumda başkalarının sorunlarını konuşmakla sadece kendinizi üzmüş olursunuz. Bu da enerjinizi düşürür. Bu gibi beyhude meraklardan ve konuşmalardan kaçının.


11 Şubat 2017 Cumartesi


The souls who are awakened while still  biologically living on Earth and has reached the state of emiting God's pure energy also pulls the negative energies of unawakends and turns it into pure energy and send it back to God. Had they not been doing this energy healing, the World would have turned upside down long ago. That is what Yeshua did on a global measure once.

All of the life energy which has intellect derivates from God. God gave us everything but, alas, fewer of us believes in Him in Spirit. Most of us believes in a mighty merchant king. If pleased, gives every sort of lust fullfilling toys othervise burns forever.

Most of us believes in a false god in allignment with their egos for richness, virgins, wealth of no boundries, flesh and gold. All sort of wordly lusts. They are unable to perceive Spirit. The peace when filled up with that Spirit.

Eternal life and Holy Spirit does not mean anything to them. They worship gold, flesh and power giver not the Spirit.

If your children had loved you just for the money you gave them, how would you feel?  Aren't we the children of God?  How God feels? Let's think.


Önce ruhlar yaratıldı. Onlar mükemmeldi çünki Tanrı mükemmeldir ve sadece mükemmeli yaratır. O zamanlarda henüz maddi dünyalar yoktu. Sadece mükemmel ruhlar vardı. Ruhlara özgür irade verilmişti ki bu suretle onlar kendi özgür iradeleri ile Tanrının emriyle birlikte hareket etmeyi seçsinler. Bunun yerine bazı ruhlar 'ben' duygusunu yarattılar ve kendilerini ayırdılar. Suçlar işlediler ve tamamen cezalandırıldıktan sonra silindiler. Onlardan geriye kalan kök enerjilerle evrenin maddesi oluşturuldu. Tanrıyla birlik olan ruhlar ise Kutsal Ruha iştirak ettiler. Hafif sapma göstermiş olanlara  ise kendilerini kanıtlamaları için maddi dünyada fırsat verildi ki tekrar Tanrıyla birleşme şansları olsun. Her ruh Kutsal Ruha iştirak edemez ancak görevli olarak yaşar. Memleketlerini korumak için savaş ve ölüm emirleri veren kırallar ve kıral peygamberler bunu kavimlerini ve memleketlerini korumak için bile yapmış olsalar Kutsal Ruha iştirak edemez, Onun bir parçası olamazlar ancak görev altındaki ruhlar olarak yaşarlar.



Souls created first and they were perfect as God is perfect and creates only the perfect. There was no meterial worlds then, only perfect souls. The souls had been given freedom to chose so that they act together with God's order with their own free will. Instead some souls created ego and seperated themselves. They committed crimes. Murder, sexual perversions, theft... and had to be erased and were erased after being thoroughly punished. Their remaining root energies became the metarial for universes. Those who unite with God became partaker of Holy Spirit. The ones with light perversions are given the chance to prove themselves in material worlds to be able to unite with God. Not every soul becomes the partaker of the Holy Spirit but lives under duty. The great kings which has given orders for wars and killings for the sake of defending their country do not become a partaker but lives as a soul under duty.



They claim that the giants were living on earth once. They were of  fallen angels and world's women's children. They were  very wicked and destroyed by the flood.

Is this true?

No, they are all fables. Human beings were shorter, you are taller now.

It is said that Abraham's sons Ismahel and Isaac, Ismail is the fathers of Araps and Isaac is the father of Jews.

Is that true?

No. They are all mixed up, brother. All get interbred.


Prophet Abraham was ordered by God to sacrify his son for God's name by means of killing him by cutting his throat.  But just before he cuts his son's throat an angel had brought a sheep and said Abraham to free his son and sacricfy this animal instead.
So, Abraham had not killed his son, Isaac and sacrificed the sheep.

Was that a true incident?

No. This was Abraham's dream. Not a real life incident.



When a baby is born, when he takes the first breath and cries , it is the time a soul enters that body and get joined with each other. Not before that. So, in case abortion is needed due to various reasons, life treat or family will not be able to support that baby properly than  this is not a crime. It ought to be done at the first mounts.




Our thoughts and feelings regarding our past's experiences must be forgotten. This is very important because especially the bitter memories you still carry effects your afterlife. In your last years on this world your feelings and memories come with you to other life. If you believe you are going to sleep in grave so you do. To your life after death you carry your believes also. Forgive and erase the bitter feelings from your memories and focus on God's light. The last seven minute before death is very important. At the last minute you are shown the place you are going.




A small reflection of the power of our Creator is seen in the thousands of stars shining in the night sky. Galaxies are millions of stars packed close together. And billions of galaxies fill the universe. The amount of power displayed in the heavens is overwhelming, if we take the time to look up at night and think about it. This reveals God's power at the cosmic level.


Materialised worlds are around four percent of the unmaterialised worlds. Scientists are now acknowledging that we don’t know half of what we thought we knew. The more we study the environment we come to realize how much we don’t know. Philosophically speaking we know that there are things we know and that we know to exist. There are also things we know that we don’t know but if we examine reality we must accept the fact that there are things we don’t know, that we don’t know. If all of the human conscious was water it would fill a thimble which are the known knows. The known unknowns would fill a glass. The unknown unknowns would be like pouring the glass of water into the ocean. 

I asked Yeshua: At which point energy becomes material?
He said: Why did you ask that?
I said: I wondered.
He said:  At different realms energy becomes material at different points and the realms are countless.
I asked: Is Highs Bossom is the reifying point of our realm?
Yeshua said: Yes.

"With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).
God's power is a wonderful support and comfort to the believer.
Out of the strong came forth sweetness;' Judges 14:14; so out of the attribute of God's power, out of this strong comes forth sweetness. It is comfort in several cases.

The power of God is not for the wicked. It is against them. The power of God is not for them. They have no union with God, therefore they have no warrant to lay claim to his power. His power is no relief to them. He has power to forgive sins, but he will not put forth his power towards an impenitent sinner. God's power is an eagle's wing, to carry the saints to heaven; but what privilege is that to the wicked? Though a man will carry his child in his arms over a dangerous stream, yet he will not carry an enemy. God's power is not engaged to help those that fight against him. Let miseries come upon the wicked, they have none to help them; they are like a ship in a storm without a pilot, and driven upon the rocks.

For a person to go on daringly in any sin is to harden his heart against God, and to raise a war against heaven. Let him remember God is Almighty; He will be too hard for them that oppose Him.


As God has authority, so he has infinite power. What is authority without power? He is mighty in strength.' Job 9:9 This power of God is seen.

In the creation. To create requires infinite power. All the world cannot make a fly. God's power in creating is evident; because he needs no instruments to work with; he can work without tools; because he needs no matter to work upon; he creates matter, and then works upon it; and because he works without labour; He spokes, and it was done.' Psa 33:3.

The power of God is seen in the conversion of souls. The same power draws a sinner to God that drew Christ out of the grave to heaven. Eph 1:19. Greater power is put forth in conversion than in creation. When God made the world, he met with no opposition; as he had nothing to help Him, so He had nothing to hinder Him; but when He converts a sinner, He meets with opposition. So we must surrender Him and be His soldiers.


God created beauty all over. Nature is a magnificient sight, odor and sound for every eye, nose and ear. All living creatures are beautiful although a few are creepy and dangerous. Even those with claws and jaws and others with deadly poisons are created with a beauty. They are all soldiers of God. The world belongs to all living creatures. Some places are especially for the wild creatures and they are deadly because they are to keep humans away from that points.

God created human beings as man and woman. He gave intuition and beauty to woman and logic and strengh to the man so that man can protect the beauty. And woman inspires man. But alas, this harmony has never been reached and fulfilled by now. The both sides has not been able to reach anywhere above lust. But agape(love as self) were expected from us not the lust which is necessary only for breeding.

Do not think of the creator as human being. God cannot be explained. He is the creator and holder of the creation all together. He is the Source and the Life Giver. Sole owner of verdiction. He does not change, He is constant and when He verdicts it is final.

God loves us and expect us to love Him. We must pray every day to be allowed to enter His Kingdom by being inside of His Love. He has given the key of the gate of Love to Yeshua. Yeshua is an important part of Holy Spirit and the one who is at the spring of God's love.


Why does "mainstream" science continue to deny the historical and on-going existence of Extraterrestrial contact with human beings on Earth?

Because they are right.

Yeshua told me that the Giza Pyramids were built by extraterrestrial powers but since then the connection between us and the different planets were blocked by God. It was a temporary permission but due to negative effects upon the world's natives' devolopment ıt was ceased. And, ıt still is close.

At present this connections are impossible as the blackholes have separeted the civilizations. Unless God opens a new way for metarialized civilizations to contact us again there is no possibility.



Rumi said, 'The bamboo flute, which appeals to you so much, mourns over its separation from its home, the original bamboo.' In Persia and in India, the reed flute is taken from the tree. So, it says, 'I am taken away from my source, my home and made into a piece instead of the whole which I was at first.' And this pain in its heart is the only thing that appeals to the heart of those who listen. It touches them and moves them to listen to its longing. There is a very beautiful truth in this.

When we inquire into the tragedy of life, the very first of all causes is this separation from freedom. This tragedy can be seen in all kinds of people. From rich to poor, from the most illiterate to the most educated, everyone has this grudge. Maybe one confesses it, while another does not, but the grudge is in everybody's mind just the same: that he has entered this objective world. For this entry seems to be the cause of all the tragedy of life, the tragedy that man's spirit cannot be satisfied in life, cannot have lasting happiness, as long as he stays in it.

You are functioning like a creature on the Earth, but you are greater than this by far. Your deeper nature is connected to where you have come from and to what you will return to beyond this life and world.

You are living in Separation from your Source, which exist beyond the physical reality entirely. You are living in a temporary reality. It is impermanent. It is changing. It is expanding. It is chaotic. It is governed by its own laws and dynamics.

You are a spiritual Being living in a physical reality. This accounts for your dual nature and the fundamental conflict and confusion that permeate your mind and activities. It is the result of Separation fundamentally.

You cannot yet be who you really are in this world and life without undergoing a great preparation, which the Lord of all the universes has provided for you in a new and revolutionary form, free of human intervention, manipulation and corruption.

Likewise, you cannot simply be a creature on the Earth, for this denies your deeper reality and your greater intelligence. Though many people have made this assumption, they cannot deny the fact that there is a greater power in their life and a greater dimension to their own personal reality.

To be a sentient being living in a physical universe means you must have a deeper conscience and a deeper reality, or you will be miserable at all counts—limited, overwhelmed, endangered, constantly facing problem solving and dilemmas, many of which you cannot resolve. Life becomes hellish despite its beautiful appearances and its simple pleasures.

This goes far beyond people’s notions of Heaven and Hell, far beyond ancient teachings constructed for primitive peoples, far beyond what humanity can understand intellectually at this point.


Aydınlanmış bir ruh olabilmek için önce birey olabilmek gerekir. Koyunlar gibi sürüyü takip eden değil ama kendisini doğru davranışlarıyla tanımlayan bireyler olmak gerekir.

Bu manada birey olmak kör inançlara, törelere hatta her ne ad altında olursa olsun dogmalara inanmamaktır. Mutlaka rasyonel düşünür ve hepsinden öte kendi en derin duygularını dinleyerek hareket eder.

Koyunlar sürüyü takip eder ama aydınlanmış birey sadece kutsal olan evrensel değerleri gözetir. Her şeyin temelinde sevgi olmalıdır. Evrensel sevgi. Yerdekilere ne kadar sevgi gösterirsek göktekilerde bize o kadar sevgi gösterecektir. Tanrı sevgidir. Tanrı sevgisi ile aramıza başka hiçbir şey koymadan yerdekileri de karınca kararınca  kendimiz gibi görebilmeliyiz.

10 Şubat 2017 Cuma


Benim üzerimde yapılması gereken ne varsa yapmanı diliyorum Tanrım. Dünyasal akıl ve irademle bunu kabul ediyorum ve sana tam teslim oluyorum. Beni koruma çemberine al. Ben ve çevremde etkisi olanların etkilerini üzerimden kaldır Tanrım. Amin.



Şuuraltına giren hiçbir şey silinmez. Bebekliğinizdeki bazı şeyleri bile hatırladığınıza göre silinme yoktur.  Etkisi kalkar. Etkisi kaybolmuş şuuraltı kayıtlarıda sizi vefat sonrası kabirdeki süreçte etkilemez.


9 Şubat 2017 Perşembe


One should begin with separating all these in oneself. Those who have detached themselves from everything worldly become whole, eternal.

The one who has entered on the Spiritual Path has to separate in oneself the true, eternal, and valuable for life in the highest eons from the false, which belongs only to this world.

Then one has to cultivate in oneself the first and get rid of the second. Those Who have accomplished this become eternal in the Divine eons.

The importance attached to earthly things is a great delusion, for they divert our thoughts from the One Who is eternal to that which is transient. And in this case, the one who hears about God does not perceive (behind this word) the Eternal, but thinks about the transient. In the same way, behind the words the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Life, the Light, the Resurrection, and the Community people do not perceive the Eternal, but think about the transient unless they have already cognized.


Matthew 7:1-3

Do not judge others, then you will not be judged.

The way you judge others, that is the way you will be judged. How much you give to others is how much will be given to you.

Why do you look at the spot of dust in your brother's eye? But you do not see a big stick in your own eye!



Yeşua bütün kent ve köyleri dolaşarak havralarda öğretiyor, göksel egemenliğin Müjdesi’ni duyuruyor, her hastalığı, her illeti iyileştiriyordu. Kalabalıkları görünce onlara acıdı. Çünkü çobansız koyunlar gibi şaşkın ve perişandılar. O zaman İsa öğrencilerine, “Ürün bol, ama işçi az” dedi, “Bu nedenle ürünün sahibi Rab’be yalvarın, ürününü kaldıracak işçiler göndersin.”


Yeşua, Matta’nın evinde sofrada otururken, birçok vergi görevlisiyle günahkâr gelip O’nunla ve öğrencileriyle birlikte sofraya oturdu. Bunu gören Ferisiler, Yeşua’nın öğrencilerine, “Sizin öğretmeniniz neden vergi görevlileri ve günahkârlarla birlikte yemek yiyor?” diye sordular.

Yeşua bunu duyunca şöyle dedi: “Sağlamların değil, hastaların hekime ihtiyacı var. Gidin de, ‘Ben kurban değil, merhamet isterim’ sözünün anlamını öğrenin. Çünkü ben doğru kişileri değil, günahkârları çağırmaya geldim.”


A. Are natural, physical and psychological inclination
B. Humans are born with them
C. Usually accompany certain actions
D. Preserves the life of humans
      EX: 1. Hunger drives someone to eat and survive
             2. Fear pushes someone to flee from danger
             3. Sexual instinct pushes reproduction and allows the preservation  of species                    (within the bound of blessed marriage).

The difference between human instincts and animal instincts:

A. In animals, instincts are the only force that pushes for actions.
      1. Sexual instinct is only an excitement and a response.
B. Humans also possess a mind and a will power
      1. Sexual instinct is accompanied by emotions
      2. It is a holy feeling in which humans share the process of creation with God
      3. It is not feasible to consider sexual instinct in the same manner that hunger is considered;
         a. i.e. for consumption and pleasure.
         b. That would humiliate the other person.
         c. It would be a cheap means of pleasure with no respect.
         d. In consumption, one abandons the other after a while.
         e. In consumption, one would like a variety (e.g. a variety of fruits)
              i. True love, between husband and wife, lasts forever.
             ii. False (worldly) love is momentarily (the moment of pleasure).
            iii. Love is the care that one gives for the other, and  not for his own pleasure.
             iv. Biblical definition: "It is more blessed to give than to receive" .

 C. Spiritual/Moral  education builds a proper outlook towards others.
      1. Relationship between God and man is a personal relationship
         a. It is a love response to the original Divine Love.
         b. You prove your love to God by loving others (created in God's image).
         c. In monastic life, they say, "If you have seen your brother, you have seen God."
         d. Yeshua said that the greatest commandment is, "Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, and love your neighbor as yourself." (Math. 22:37-40)

Sexual Instincts - Moderation and Deviation:

A. Sexual instinct may drive the person away from its holy goal - preservation and reproduction thru Holy Matrimony.
B. Deviation may be to the right or to the left
C. Deviation must be controlled by:
      1. The mind
      2. The will power
      3. Help of the Holy Spirit
      4. Holy sacraments
      5. Prayers
      6. Holy Bible
D. Deviation to the right:
      1. response to instinct without any control
      2. harmful to the health and honor
      3. gives the false impression of freedom to do what one wants
         a. True freedom is to do what ought to be done.
         b. It originates from a soul that is not enslaved to any instinct.
E. Deviation to the left:
      1. Results from fear of deviation to the right
      2. People revolt and consider the instinct evil
      3. They want to destroy what God has created and permitted
      4. Results in fear and hatred of the other sex
      5. Results in complete avoidance of the other sex
F. Moderation:
      1. The life of purity
      2. The proper direction of the instinct towards the holy goal for which it was created.
      3. Protecting the instinct from sinful desires
      4. It is NOT suppression of the natural instinct, but rather protection.

Suppression vs. Self Control

   A. Suppression:
      1. Subconscious process, in which there are several contradictory factors at work.
      2. In sexual instinct, there is the drive for fulfillment of the desire, and there is a moral drive which prevents one from fulfilling the desire.
      3. The result is suppression
      4. Symptoms: anxiety, worry, inability to concentrate, feeling of boredom and isolation, daydreaming.
      5. It is a negative approach in which one is facing reality, but still ridden with selfishness .

   B. Self Control
      1. This is the positive approach; it doesn't result in struggle
      2. Facing reality with a good perspective of all sides and doing what is  considered useful with conviction and content.
      3. May encounter peer pressure.
      4. Self control leads to the life in purity.


Why Organized Religions Calcify and Teach the False Path?

The only true Path is the living values, which brings forth the living Word. The moment that the flow of the living Word stops, any organization will start stagnating and calcifying.

The organization attracts people who are rigid, who want to be comfortable, who want to have an automatic path, a guaranteed path to salvation.  This is the false path of the false teachers who have come to this earth since the Fall of Man. There is no outer path! There is no automatic path to salvation because we have free will.

You must BE instead of doing. The only way to control the forces of wordly lusts on earth is that a critical mass of people must dare to be the living temples of God like Yeshua showed us 2000 years ago. Leave the dualistic struggle. Realize the unity of the whole.

The true path is the path of going within and manifesting your oneness with God. The true path is that you rise above being a blind follower, so that you become one with that Master.  This is the path that Yeshua taught and demonstrated to his disciples and He is living and walking among us to help whoever asks to Him sincerely.

The concept of sin never came from God.
The most profound teaching ever given on the kingdom of God is: “The kingdom of God is within you.” The forces of ego seek to divert your inner longing for something more. The false teachers say: “You can reach God only through us, you can be saved only through our religion.” This is the lie that Yeshua challenged.

Leave your nets of entanglements with your current sense of identity. Don't ask "Who am I?" But ask "What am I?"

It never has been the goal of the representatives of the ascended Masters to bring forth any outer teaching that is absolutely true.



Tanrı ölülerin değil ama yaşayanların Tanrısıdır. Benimle konuşmanın ancak klise mensubu birkaç kişiye inhisar ettiğini söyleyenler doğruyu söylememektedirler. Ben sürekli dünyaya ruh olarak gelip gitmekte ve sesimi duyurmaktayım. 2000 yıldır bu aralıksız devam ediyor. Bizler için sayı önemli değildir. Sıra dışı ruhlar önemlidir. Tanrıyla beraber sonsuz yaşama kavuşmak sizce bu kadar kolaymı olmalıydı, hayır ama Dünya insanının barbarlığı beni gerçekten şaşırtmaktadır. Bilinçlerin hala bu derece ilkel seviyelerde kalmış olması üzücüdür. Siz Dünya insanları belki teknolojik olarak evrende en geri tür değilsiniz ama babarlıkta evrende en ileri seviyede olan birinci türsünüz. Gerçek sevgiyi hala hiç kavrayamadınız. Bunu kavrayamadan da varacağınız yer toprağın bağrıdır. Ölüler kervanına katılırsınız. Ruhlarınızda bedenlerinizle birlikte çürür ve madde elemanlarına ve enerjilerine dönüşür. Halbuki ben size ebedi yaşamı bulasınız diye gelmiştim. Bunun için işkence gördüm ve öldürüldüm ama ben dirilerdenim ve hala sizinle beraberim. Kapıları çalıyorum ve bekliyorum. Beni kabul edebilcekleri bekliyorum.

Bedenlerinizi de Tanrının hızmetine verin. İtibar ve güç peşinde koşmayın. Tüm güç Tanrınındır. Gücün kaynağı Tanrıdır ve siz kötüye kullanmayacağınızı ispat ettiğinizde o gücden kullandırılacaksınız. Tanrı herşeyle iç içedir lakin merkezde yalnız yine kendisi ve ebedi yaşama layık olabilmiş saf ruhlar Onun huzurundadırlar. Bunları düşünün.

Daima Sevgi yolunuz Işık yoldasınız olsun.



Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons[a] of God.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.




Before Logos And The Source Of The Gospel: Yeshua taught that there is One Teacher that all sincere believers must seek out and learn from.

The word prologue literally means: Before Logos and when properly understood, Christians are being denied access to the Indwelling Logos in all of us because the Pagan Church of 4th Century Rome threw away the Key of Knowledge resulting in the total alienation of the community of believers from the path they must travail in TheWay,  to enter the Presence of the Logos/Son of God -- enabling them to learn all Truths directly from the  Source.

The heart of the matter is, in fact, the source and originality of Christian doctrine what the biblical scholars confirmed is the fact that the dogmatic doctrines of the Church has virtually nothing in common with the core teachings and objectives of the Original Gospel Message of the Good News!   But in view of the fact that the original followers of Yeshua were all hunted down as heretics because they refused to accept the religion of the emperor, it should come as no surprise that modern Christianity has virtually nothing in common with both the original teachings of Yeshua . Thus, the higher reality of the Soul And Kingdom incomprehensible to Christians of the simple faith.


Dua ederken bağırıp çağırmayın, gösteriş olsun diye köşe başlarını tutmayın. Putperestler gibi ezberlediğiniz aynı kelimeleri, cümleleri tekrarlayıp durmayın, odanıza çekilin ve samimiyetle içinizden gelen hisleri  kelimelerinizle Tanrıya yöneltin.


P.S.: (Bugün bilim ispatlamıştır ki, aynı sözlerin sürekli tekrar edilerek söylenmesi kelimelerin anlamlarının kayıp kaybolmasına sebeb olmaktadır.)

8 Şubat 2017 Çarşamba


"Deep in each man is the knowledge that something knows of his existence. Something knows, and cannot be fled nor hid from." ?Cormac McCarthy, "The Crossing"

We simply can't help ourselves. We anthropomorphize everything.

God is the Source of energy. The Source of life energy. The conscious of universe. That's why God is omniprecent. So what does omniprecence mean? To be at every point sumiltaneously. God pulls goodness and pushes badness. Think of that.

God is not a personage or a singular awareness, but instead a pervasive force and reality that permeates all life, existing beyond the limited boundaries of all theology and religious understanding. God speaks to the deepest part of each person through the power of Knowledge that lives within them. 

Knowledge is the deeper spiritual mind and intelligence within each person, waiting to be discovered. Knowledge represents the eternal part of us that has never left God. The New Message speaks of Knowledge as the great hope for humanity, an inner power at the heart of each person that God’s New Message is here to reveal and to call forth. Knowledge exists beyond the intellect. It alone has the power to guide each of us to our higher purpose and destined relationships in life. 


Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him. And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Yeshua whom You have sent' (Jn. 17:1-3).


“For I desire mercy ( loving kindness) and not sacrifice, and the kowledge of Elohim rather than burnt offerings.” Hosea 6:6


. The Lie Of Judaism: That Yeshua was not A Messiah!

. The Lie Of Christianity: That Yeshua was God Incarnate!

. The Lie Of Islam: That Yeshua Said Another Was Yet To Come!

. The Lie Of Science: That Science Knows The Truth And God Is Folklore And Superstition!

7 Şubat 2017 Salı


I am holding the key of love, my brother. You know that God is love. So, how can they enter the Kingdom of God before reaching to full love in their hearts. That's why I have said that I was the path. I represent the love God created. I am illuminating that path that's why I have said that I was the light. And that path leads to the Kingdom. To the eternal life. So, that's why I have said I was the life. That's why I have said that I came to the World so that you could  have life in abundance.



The forces of ego have done everything they could to make it difficult to walk the mystical path. This includes creating an entire false path that promises salvation but fails to deliver. Mainstream Religions are just one example of the false path.

The distinction between the true and the false path is subtle. That is why we need discernment and the true words of Yeshua and the Light of God in order to have a frame of reference. The mainstream religions of the world present the false path. If that is all we have ever seen, we have no foundation for seeing that it is a false path.

The false path promises you that if you follow the prescripts of an outer religion, you are guaranteed to be saved. It also says that you can be saved only through an established religious organizations and their hierarchy of human beings. The true path says that enlightement  is exclusively a matter of you rising above the illusions of ego and attaining personal enlightement. You need no authority on earth because everything depends on your inner relationship with God and Yeshua. God is Light and Yeshua is Love God created.


When a person dies he or she goes to deep sleep state. During that period the dead lives with his or her subconscious mind as real. They struggle with the unforgiven feelings of their own. If they eventually finish this incident they woke up to dim light atmosphere where they undergo very heavy trainings. Some of them do not show patience and hurry to reincarnate on earth. And they become unsuccessful again. Those who are patient enough succeed in their following reincarnation on earth. And they reach the Light eventually.

Those who are committed big crimes such as murder, fornication, false witnessing and as such are to pay for their sins accordingly.  Mostly after the Divine Justice; the memories of the murderers and the memories of those who commit the other lighter crimes repeatedly are erased by God and their remaining core energies mix with nature. Or God takes this life energies back to Himself.



İnsan vefat edince bir müddet uyur. Bu sürede bilinçaltına hangi duyguları yüklemişse onları yaşar. Olumsuz duygular yüklüyse onlarla boğuşur ve bunu gerçek sanır. Affedemediği biriyle didişir durur. Nihayet bunları tamamlayıp uyandığında az bir ışıklı ortama kalkar ve orada ağır dersler, eğitimler alır. Bazıları sabırsızlık eder. Tekrar dünyaya gelir ve yine başarısız olurlar. Böylece gelip gelip giderler. Sabredenler, eğitimlerini hazmederek gelir ve başarılı olurlar. Işığa kavuşurlar.

Bu büyük suçları olmayan sıradan insanlar içindir. Büyük suçlar için büyük azaplar vardır ve cinayetin affı yoktur. İlahi adalet gereği yaptıklarının karşılığını bire bir çektikten sonra hafızaları silinir. O ruh ölmüştür artık ve ondan arta kalan kök enerjiler doğaya karışır. Yada Tanrı kendisine alır. Yine hırsızlık, yalancı şahitlik, fuhuş, zina, tecavüz, taciz, zorbalık, gasp, darp gibi suçlar tekrarlanarak devam ederse sonuç aynıdır.

İyi ruhlar ise yaptığı iyiliklerin karşılığını görürler. İnsanlara yaşattıkları mutlulukları aynen kendileride yaşarlar.

Işığa ermiş saf ruhlar ise Tanrı katında bir zerre ışık olarak Tanrının askerleri olurlar. Yeniden doğumla gelme olayı bitmiştir. Asker sözcüğü yanlış anlaşılmasın onların yolu sevgidir. Zorbalık, şiddet, kandırma asla olmaz. O tip işler ona uygun kötü ruhlara yaptırılır.


1 Şubat 2017 Çarşamba


Now, our bodies are our Temples, our souls are our windows, our minds are guides, our animal instincts are our sacrifices. We cannot offer physical sacrifices a few times a day, but we can pray a few times a day. We cannot attend Temple a few times a day, but we can tap into our souls a few times a day. We cannot atone for our shortcomings by sacrificing animals, but we can sacrifice our inner animals—our hormones, our lusts, our desires, our beastly compulsions.

We must find God in us. This was God’s Master Plan. By exchanging a sweeping, dramatic outdoor concert of public spirituality for an internal, personal, private experience, God was bringing Himself even closer to humanity, laying the groundwork for the real Temple—an age that will synthesize God’s presence inside our hearts and minds and in the world around us in a totally new era.


Gecenin sessizliğinde ruhların sesi duyulur ve sadece saf olan ruhlar bu sesleri duyar. Gece, ruhlar birleşip bir ve bütün olduğunda daha da...