
9 Şubat 2017 Perşembe


Why Organized Religions Calcify and Teach the False Path?

The only true Path is the living values, which brings forth the living Word. The moment that the flow of the living Word stops, any organization will start stagnating and calcifying.

The organization attracts people who are rigid, who want to be comfortable, who want to have an automatic path, a guaranteed path to salvation.  This is the false path of the false teachers who have come to this earth since the Fall of Man. There is no outer path! There is no automatic path to salvation because we have free will.

You must BE instead of doing. The only way to control the forces of wordly lusts on earth is that a critical mass of people must dare to be the living temples of God like Yeshua showed us 2000 years ago. Leave the dualistic struggle. Realize the unity of the whole.

The true path is the path of going within and manifesting your oneness with God. The true path is that you rise above being a blind follower, so that you become one with that Master.  This is the path that Yeshua taught and demonstrated to his disciples and He is living and walking among us to help whoever asks to Him sincerely.

The concept of sin never came from God.
The most profound teaching ever given on the kingdom of God is: “The kingdom of God is within you.” The forces of ego seek to divert your inner longing for something more. The false teachers say: “You can reach God only through us, you can be saved only through our religion.” This is the lie that Yeshua challenged.

Leave your nets of entanglements with your current sense of identity. Don't ask "Who am I?" But ask "What am I?"

It never has been the goal of the representatives of the ascended Masters to bring forth any outer teaching that is absolutely true.


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