They claim that the giants were living on earth once. They were of fallen angels and world's women's children. They were very wicked and destroyed by the flood.
Is this true?
No, they are all fables. Human beings were shorter, you are taller now.
It is said that Abraham's sons Ismahel and Isaac, Ismail is the fathers of Araps and Isaac is the father of Jews.
Is that true?
No. They are all mixed up, brother. All get interbred.
Prophet Abraham was ordered by God to sacrify his son for God's name by means of killing him by cutting his throat. But just before he cuts his son's throat an angel had brought a sheep and said Abraham to free his son and sacricfy this animal instead.
So, Abraham had not killed his son, Isaac and sacrificed the sheep.
Was that a true incident?
No. This was Abraham's dream. Not a real life incident.
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