
8 Şubat 2017 Çarşamba


"Deep in each man is the knowledge that something knows of his existence. Something knows, and cannot be fled nor hid from." ?Cormac McCarthy, "The Crossing"

We simply can't help ourselves. We anthropomorphize everything.

God is the Source of energy. The Source of life energy. The conscious of universe. That's why God is omniprecent. So what does omniprecence mean? To be at every point sumiltaneously. God pulls goodness and pushes badness. Think of that.

God is not a personage or a singular awareness, but instead a pervasive force and reality that permeates all life, existing beyond the limited boundaries of all theology and religious understanding. God speaks to the deepest part of each person through the power of Knowledge that lives within them. 

Knowledge is the deeper spiritual mind and intelligence within each person, waiting to be discovered. Knowledge represents the eternal part of us that has never left God. The New Message speaks of Knowledge as the great hope for humanity, an inner power at the heart of each person that God’s New Message is here to reveal and to call forth. Knowledge exists beyond the intellect. It alone has the power to guide each of us to our higher purpose and destined relationships in life. 

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