
13 Şubat 2017 Pazartesi


It is not a matter of studying outer teachings or performing certain practices and then somehow, magically, you will find yourself with superhuman powers. It is a matter of transforming your state of consciousness in a fundamental way, a transformation so profound that we cannot even imagine it when we start the path. This means you must be willing to look at yourself, to look into the subconscious mind.

You need to use what you have internalized in order to help others.

When you are following the spiritual path based on the self-centered motivation there will come a point where your growth stops.

Realize the difference between wanting only an outer teaching or wanting an encounter with a living master.

Service might mean dramatic changes in your life. There are so many times, where you cannot serve to your full capacity in the circumstances you are in right now.

Be willing to walk into the unknown, to take one step at a time.

Be willing to make those seismic shifts in your life that will put you on the path of your service.

The one and only key to entry into the ascended realm is your state of consciousness, and you are the only one who can change your state of consciousness.

The ego is an "entity" in your subconscious mind that has a form of survival instinct. As a result, the ego will seek to manipulate or scare you into holding on to the illusions that spring from separation. Unless you know about the ego and learn to see through its manipulation, you will find it very difficult to make progress on the path. This is equally true whether you come from a Christian, a Buddhist, a Hindu, a New Sage, a Muslim or any other background.

There is no outer rule that can be given in this world for what is right according to God’s absolute reality.

You can attain much by consciously working on non-attachment.

Non-attachment is not the same as indifference.

It is a delicate balance to remain non-attached but at the same time not to become indifferent

The path that Yeshua offers is a path of total humility. It is the path of the total humility of letting go of all of the pride of the ego so that you can simply walk away from it and be free.

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