
9 Şubat 2017 Perşembe


A. Are natural, physical and psychological inclination
B. Humans are born with them
C. Usually accompany certain actions
D. Preserves the life of humans
      EX: 1. Hunger drives someone to eat and survive
             2. Fear pushes someone to flee from danger
             3. Sexual instinct pushes reproduction and allows the preservation  of species                    (within the bound of blessed marriage).

The difference between human instincts and animal instincts:

A. In animals, instincts are the only force that pushes for actions.
      1. Sexual instinct is only an excitement and a response.
B. Humans also possess a mind and a will power
      1. Sexual instinct is accompanied by emotions
      2. It is a holy feeling in which humans share the process of creation with God
      3. It is not feasible to consider sexual instinct in the same manner that hunger is considered;
         a. i.e. for consumption and pleasure.
         b. That would humiliate the other person.
         c. It would be a cheap means of pleasure with no respect.
         d. In consumption, one abandons the other after a while.
         e. In consumption, one would like a variety (e.g. a variety of fruits)
              i. True love, between husband and wife, lasts forever.
             ii. False (worldly) love is momentarily (the moment of pleasure).
            iii. Love is the care that one gives for the other, and  not for his own pleasure.
             iv. Biblical definition: "It is more blessed to give than to receive" .

 C. Spiritual/Moral  education builds a proper outlook towards others.
      1. Relationship between God and man is a personal relationship
         a. It is a love response to the original Divine Love.
         b. You prove your love to God by loving others (created in God's image).
         c. In monastic life, they say, "If you have seen your brother, you have seen God."
         d. Yeshua said that the greatest commandment is, "Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, and love your neighbor as yourself." (Math. 22:37-40)

Sexual Instincts - Moderation and Deviation:

A. Sexual instinct may drive the person away from its holy goal - preservation and reproduction thru Holy Matrimony.
B. Deviation may be to the right or to the left
C. Deviation must be controlled by:
      1. The mind
      2. The will power
      3. Help of the Holy Spirit
      4. Holy sacraments
      5. Prayers
      6. Holy Bible
D. Deviation to the right:
      1. response to instinct without any control
      2. harmful to the health and honor
      3. gives the false impression of freedom to do what one wants
         a. True freedom is to do what ought to be done.
         b. It originates from a soul that is not enslaved to any instinct.
E. Deviation to the left:
      1. Results from fear of deviation to the right
      2. People revolt and consider the instinct evil
      3. They want to destroy what God has created and permitted
      4. Results in fear and hatred of the other sex
      5. Results in complete avoidance of the other sex
F. Moderation:
      1. The life of purity
      2. The proper direction of the instinct towards the holy goal for which it was created.
      3. Protecting the instinct from sinful desires
      4. It is NOT suppression of the natural instinct, but rather protection.

Suppression vs. Self Control

   A. Suppression:
      1. Subconscious process, in which there are several contradictory factors at work.
      2. In sexual instinct, there is the drive for fulfillment of the desire, and there is a moral drive which prevents one from fulfilling the desire.
      3. The result is suppression
      4. Symptoms: anxiety, worry, inability to concentrate, feeling of boredom and isolation, daydreaming.
      5. It is a negative approach in which one is facing reality, but still ridden with selfishness .

   B. Self Control
      1. This is the positive approach; it doesn't result in struggle
      2. Facing reality with a good perspective of all sides and doing what is  considered useful with conviction and content.
      3. May encounter peer pressure.
      4. Self control leads to the life in purity.

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