
9 Şubat 2017 Perşembe



Before Logos And The Source Of The Gospel: Yeshua taught that there is One Teacher that all sincere believers must seek out and learn from.

The word prologue literally means: Before Logos and when properly understood, Christians are being denied access to the Indwelling Logos in all of us because the Pagan Church of 4th Century Rome threw away the Key of Knowledge resulting in the total alienation of the community of believers from the path they must travail in TheWay,  to enter the Presence of the Logos/Son of God -- enabling them to learn all Truths directly from the  Source.

The heart of the matter is, in fact, the source and originality of Christian doctrine what the biblical scholars confirmed is the fact that the dogmatic doctrines of the Church has virtually nothing in common with the core teachings and objectives of the Original Gospel Message of the Good News!   But in view of the fact that the original followers of Yeshua were all hunted down as heretics because they refused to accept the religion of the emperor, it should come as no surprise that modern Christianity has virtually nothing in common with both the original teachings of Yeshua . Thus, the higher reality of the Soul And Kingdom incomprehensible to Christians of the simple faith.

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