
8 Aralık 2019 Pazar


As long as you live on earth, you will not
only have the Holy Spirit living inside you,
but you will also have your own flesh still
with you and its desire for self-gratification.
Life will be a continual battle between the
desire to do things your way—or God’s
way. Faith is how you turn your life over to
the Spirit and trust him on a daily basis.
The Spirit-filled life is trusting God to
produce in you the fruitful life he promised.
Choosing to listen to the Spirit and follow
his leading will always be the right choice!
The word “filled” means to be directed and
controlled. We must choose to yield
ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s direction in
our lives.
You must by faith yield to the Holy Spirit to
control your life—recognizing your
tendencies to be self-centered and then
desire for Yeshua’s life to grow in you and
overcome those selfish tendencies.
Pray for faith everyday and every
night. This is a life-long battle.

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