
8 Aralık 2019 Pazar


Yeshua said: “Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.
What we believe and what we think and what we set our hearts on has a profound effect on our actions and attitudes and conversations. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
This is an instruction to do something – to not be passive, but to take charge of our minds so that our thoughts will start to conform to God’s way of thinking and not the old patterns that have been influenced by lusts, passions and desires, the media and entertainment industries, marketers and advertisers, political and relegious agendas and the general selfishness of our fallen natures.
Noble, pure and right thoughts…set your hearts and minds on these.
This is a choice. We choose to think about these things, rather than the titillation that bombards our senses in everyday life. There is hardly a greater spiritual battle than this.
This is a choice to desire greater communion with God, rather than to seek the satisfactions that appeal to our fallen nature. Recognizing what appeals to soul rather than spirit is the first step in this journey.

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