
8 Aralık 2019 Pazar


Souls come to the Earth alone. But, some souls although minority don’t return alone. They are met by Light Bearers on the other side. Those souls are the ones who have spent their lifetimes in kindness and love. They are the ones who have seen the Light and gained the eternal life. They do not reborn again from flesh rather become the Light Bearers.
Majority go alone but due to their unharmful lives they are awakened and trained to be given another chance for an examination on Earth. This is called a reincarnation.
Some souls that has rejected God who is Love and whoever committed big crimes such as murder will not be awakened. Those souls keep sleeping in their graves and see nightmares of what they have done to other people. They feel the agony they caused to others. They don’t realize even they are dead.Eventually their life energy decrease and finish. They become dead(second death) for all. In fact they have already broken their ties with God while living on Earth. GOD is the living source for all.

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