
9 Aralık 2019 Pazartesi



Switch your attention to the Highest Goal-God the Father. Do not fear the flesh, nor love it. If you fear it, it will become your master. If you love it, it devours and subjugate you. Rise in the highest eons. If you cannot succeed in this world you will be found outside of God’s love eventually where the real badness is. It is perdition there. That’s why it is good to live that world having not committing sins. We must acquire the resurrection while we live in this world. So that when we strip off the flesh, we may be found in calm, but not walk outside of love. Yet many go astray from the Path.

The Bridal Chamber is neither for animals, nor for men-slaves of passions, nor for women driven by passion. It is for pure women and men who gained spiritual freedom. Then one must learn to enter this Highest Eon by one’s own efforts and stay in it. It is called the birth in it as a Holy Spirit. And one comes to Mergence with the Consciousness dwelling in God. Once you are there, once you feel the peace and calm in there you will never miss anything else again. You will become the Son.
The purified souls become the user of the Divine Energies. The user can absorb divine energy and power directly into their body and use it in various ways.

The true purified soul’s mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost. Their souls always yield to purifying light.
One passion includes all others. Purification requires the soul to be pure and clean from our own passions and lusts. The more we purify ourselves, the more we allow for Divine grace to function. When a soul is completely clean from its passion and is totally humbled, then it can experience the grace of God and the fulfillment of all His promises.

If a man thinks only of his own profit and tries to benefit himself at the expense of others, he will incur the hatred of Heaven.
Communism was a gigantic facade, and the reality concealed behind it was the sheer drive for power, for total power as an end in itself. The rest was merely instrumental -- a matter of tactics and some necessary self-restrictions to achieve the desired end. Thus, rationalism was transformed under communism into the idea of slavery.

There’s an increasing sense in our political life that in both party’s politicians call themselves public servants but act like bosses who think that voters work for them. Politicians who jerk around doctors, nurses and health systems call themselves servants, when of course they look more like little kings and queens instructing the grudging peasants in how to arrange their affairs. But in Governments, where the Legislative is in one lasting Assembly always in being, or in one Man, as in Absolute Monarchies, there is danger still, that they will think themselves to have a distinct interest, from the rest of the Community; and so will be apt to increase their own riches and power, by taking, what they think fit, from the People. Our rulers are theoretically “our” representatives, but they are busy turning us into instruments of projects they keep dreaming up.

Mankind soon learn to make interested uses of every right and power which they possess or may assume. The public money and public liberty... will soon be discovered to be sources of wealth and dominion to those who hold them; distinguished, too, by this tempting circumstance, that they are the instrument, as well as the object of acquisition. With money we will get men, said Caesar, and with men we will get money.

It is not enough that honest men are appointed Judges. All know the influence of interest on the mind of man, and how unconsciously his judgment is warped by that influence.

Life is a better teacher of virtue than politicians, and most sensible governments in the past left moral faults alone. Instead, democratic citizenship in the twenty-first century means receiving a steam of improving “messages” from authority. Some may forgive these intrusions because they are so well intentioned. Who would defend prejudice, debt, or excessive drinking? The point, however, is that our rulers have no business telling us how to live. They are tiresome enough in their exercise of authority. They are intolerable when they mount the pulpit. We should never doubt that nationalizing the moral life is the first step toward totalitarianism.

In fact, it appears that those who have the most unquestioning belief in their own virtue, from the Capitalists to Commununists, are often those who feel entitled to commit, and do commit, the most abhorant acts against those who oppose them or who have different values.

Spiritual truth is eternal and universal: no particular religion or sect can have a monopoly on it. So, never get bigotted on one religion or other. Yeshua did not bring a new religion. He reminds you the universal truth which is unity and the way to achiving it which is love.

Do not forget, if bad words are coming out of someone's mounth that is because there are malice feelings in that person. Words comes from hearts(souls) originally and, if your heart is pure no bad words can come out of it. If somebody is swearing that means their souls are full of evil and it is pouring out of their mouths. Thus, be alert and if some says bad words and afterwards declares that he or she talked without thinking, know that no bad words come from a pure heart and nobody talks without previous thinking. Everybody talks after thinking and bad words comes only from a bad heart. From a good heart comes only good words.

All of the life energy which has intellect derivates from God. God gave us everything but, alas, fewer of us believes in Him in Spirit. Most of us believes in a mighty merchant king. If pleased, gives every sort of lust fullfilling toys othervise burns forever.

Most of us believes in a false god in allignment with their egos for richness, virgins, wealth of no boundries, flesh and gold. All sort of wordly lusts. They are unable to perceive Spirit and the peace when filled up with that Spirit.

Eternal life and Holy Spirit does not mean anything to them. They worship gold, flesh and the power giver but, not the Spirit.

If your children had loved you just for the money you gave them, how would you feel?  Aren’t we the children of God?  How God feels? Let’s think.

For the past 2,000 years Yeshua has maintained a line of communication through those who have been willing to serve as messengers for His Living Word and who have pursued an understanding of His true message instead of settling for fake official religious doctrines which disturb Him continiously.

Once you admit that mainstream religious traditions have not answered your questions about life, you are very close in getting contact with the divine truth.

If you use a perverted version of Yesua’s teachings as a justification for closing your mind to His real teachings, you are not one of His modern-day disciples.

There are two ways for souls. One goes to life and the other goes to death. Faith is very important. Whatever you believe, while you live in a physical body is what you are going to face after death. The soul does not die with body and whatever you have loaded to him/her will go with the soul. So, don’t load weakness and wrong beliefs to your soul. In addition to that your conscience knows everything and by every wrong doing of yourselves realizes that he/she shall have to face the consequences.

As for the crimes the divine justice will be working.

The unseen enemies of mankind are those who are preventing humans from learning and changing.

If you shut the truth and the Life(God) out then you miss the mark. If you give prioity to other things by giving more emphasis to desires rather than truth, it is the only way you can commit a sin.

God is the spring of kindness, goodness and cleanness. From this clean spring, is it possible to drink dirty water? One can drink only clean water. But, if the mouths of drinkers are dirty than the water gets dirty as well in their mouths. As such only goodness can be prayed from God. Badness cannot be prayed from Him. Badness for somebody else or curse cannot be wished from that pure Spring. Those who do this vile wish are punished by God.

Think of God and His light. Do not put any other love in between your love for God and yourselves. Love God first and before everything and everybody. Do not be a warrior. Drop your shields. Leave your passion. Leave all your addictions, fear, nerviousness. Let love be your path and light be your comrade on this path. Fill your heart with love for God and do not allow anything to violate this love. Keep calm. Do not allow nerviousness control your mind and do not let fear and infidelity fill in your heart.

Never deny God, Almighty. Do not even argue about His oneness and divininity. He is the Source of light. He is Love. He is in and out of everything seen and unseen. Our bodies are to be the temple of The Holy Spirit. Our souls are to be the part of His Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is the active force of God so, our souls must be the home for God. All the praises and all the glory are belonging to Him, to our God, to our Love. His will be done forever.

The truth requires a much deeper understanding. Spirituality requires that you ask questions of yourself, whilst religions requires you to rely on books to move forward. And, by doing so millions of soul’s minds have been locked down.
The physical realm is the world of time between the beginnings and endings, creation and destruction. Matter and energy change forms as ceaselessly as the ocean’s surface rises and falls from frothy wave to wave. Trees, mountains, buildings, and human bodies are all temporary.  They’re just the scenery, and when a drama is finished, the scenery is torn down to make room for another set that can contain another play.  Only we, the players, are real and eternal—our consciouses are spiritual, and our consciouses are entirely separate from the brain, mind and physical realm.
“By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made from what was visible”.

Never forget, spirituality is what you are, it is not what you do. The total of what you have loaded to yourselves while living on earth.


Spiritual adultery includes any form of idolatry and is a major theme throughout the Old Testament. Yeshua reminds us just how deadly this form of adultery can be. Yeshua said, “Nobody can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other”. It’s important as believers that we leave the worldly attachements and lusts behind us, put the God before us first. There is no turning back.
Knowing God is the purpose of human existence. When you get this, you’re at peace. The search is over. Ego-driven expectations disappear. Life begins to be genuinely celebrated.

We show up for one reason and one reason only: to walk with God, or union with Divine.

“The word ‘enlightenment’ conjures up the idea of some superhuman accomplishment. No, that is not the case at all. It is really just your natural state of felt oneness with Being.”


As for the truth, there is only one. The God. Source of Light and Love. When souls were created they were seeing and talking with the Source Almighty. However due to the free will which had been given to souls, they devoloped ego and made the one into two. Seperation had began. All we are struggling to achive now is to return back to oneness again, the original state of us at the beginning. Unfortunately not all will succeed.

The ability to enter the inner realm of souls, has nothing in common with an Out of Body Experience, and a journey into the astral realms. The inner Kingdom can only be entered by those who are permitted therein.

In many times Yeshua has entered back into the earth as a pure soul , and assisted those  telephatically who were True Seekers of TheWay. The vast majority of immature prodigal sons and daughters could not be taken, because they have yet to reach the necessary level of maturity that would permit them to return to the Gate.

This world is God’s School House and in the true reality of our existence, there are no shortcuts — no group social promotions — and there are no school dropouts — only the few who are worthy to enter within the Holy of Holies of the Living Body Temple, are permitted into the Inner Kingdom and Yeshua is the key holder of this gate.


“You shall not murder” but Yeshua says that anger, hatred, insult, and public humiliation are tantamount to murder. There are the forgotten sayings of Yeshua further illustrate his teaching.

He warned His disciples that murder begins with anger in the heart. Do not be an angry person, for anger leads to murder; nor be envious, nor adversarial, nor hot-tempered, for from all these things murder results.

Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer; and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. Since a word of hatred incurs the wrath of God and quarrels separate us from God, the disciple cannot have joy so long as he holds unloving or hateful thoughts against his brother.

The sages regarded publicly shaming or embarrassing a person as a grievous sin. In the no-longer extant Gospel of the Hebrews, Yeshua says that one of the most serious sins a man can commit is that of vexing his brother: Among the worst crimes is set he who has distressed the spirit of his brother.

Anger, quarreling, and public insults may be punished in a court of law on earth such as the local court, but ultimately, if not in a court on earth, a person who publicly shames and insults another commits crime spiritually.

Whoever hates is among those who shed blood. He who publicly shames is as though he shed blood.


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