
17 Mayıs 2021 Pazartesi


When it comes to offenses a good memory can be very bad. When we repent and ask forgiveness of each other, that sin should never be referenced again. Remembering and repeating past wrongs will prevent the true fellowship that always follows true forgiveness. "We are called to forgive as God has forgiven." (Col. 3:13)

Anger gives birth to jealousy, hatred, spite, revengefulness, destructive instinct, wild ideas, brain paralysis, and temporary insanity — any of which may lead to terrible crimes. It is poison to peace and calmness. It is poison to understanding. Anger is a manner of misunderstanding. To conquer others by anger is the method of fools, for anger only rouses more wrath in the enemy and thus makes him a stronger and more powerful opponent. A righteous demonstration of anger to avert evil without causing harm is sometimes productive of good. Blind, uncontrolled anger is revengeful, spiteful; it only increases the evil that you wish to destroy. Be indifferent to those who seem to enjoy making you angry.

If you want to get revenge on someone who has wronged you, the best way you can get back at someone is to expose them to themselves through forgiveness and compassion. That will free you from the emotional burden of being attached to what they did to you, while also making the biggest impression in their consciousness.

Instead of reacting out of what is fair, just, or what you feel you are entitled to emotionally, step outside of that and simply act from grace. When their low vibration encounters your high vibration, they can see their own inner shadows and wil possibly collapse into a state of humility and humbleness.

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