
25 Mayıs 2021 Salı


Basically everything is energy both material worlds and non-material worlds which we call spiritual world.  Scientists are now acknowledging that we don’t know half of what we thought we knew. The more we study the environment we come to realize how much we don’t know. Philosophically speaking we know that there are things we know and that we know to exist. There are also things we know that we don’t know but if we examine reality we must accept the fact that there are things we don’t know, that we don’t know. If all of the human conscious was water it would fill a thimble which are the known knows. The known unknowns would fill a glass. The unknown unknowns would be like pouring the glass of water into the ocean. 

I asked Yeshua: At which point energy becomes material?

He said: Why did you ask that?

I said: I wondered.

He said:  At different realms energy becomes material at different points and the realms are countless.

I asked: Is Highs Bossom is the reifying point of our realm?

Yeshua said: Yes.

Question: What is the percentage of material world compare to non material world?

Yeshua: Four percent (%4).

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