
17 Mayıs 2021 Pazartesi


There is no special place created by God called Hell. God does not take revenge. God is love. But, we seperate ourselves from Him by saying ' I Am'. Ego thinks that without the God, the Source of life, we can have a seperate life on ourselves. That is agony. That is to be deprived of God's light and love.

Organized religions mainly are politics and in order to control the crowds they have created a seperate hell.

We have to rise our understanding regarding God and realize that with rewards and punishment there can be no sincere faith but, only faith by fear and inducement.

We are in "take and give" relation with God. God sends us the purest energies all the time however, as our hearts and minds are not empty, full of worldly lusts, we cannot take it fully. He gives us free all the time. Our duty is to take this energy and reflect it around us and eventy return it back to God clean as it was taken. But, alas.

The Almighty, Omnipotent and Omnipresent isn't a mighty superior human looking god, sitting on a throne above us in the sky. Rather, we can think of God allegorically as an eternal magnetic field pulling the goods to Himself and pushing bads away from Himself.

He invite us to live with Him. He is not the God of deads but God of living. So be of the living.

What is going on on Earth are all vile doings of greedy mankind. It’s not meant to be like that. It could have been different if we had act properly. There is no future that is previously written by God. The future is dynamic not static. God makes it anew every second and put in front of us. That is eternity unknown. It all depend on how we behave. Superstitious believes should be abandoned. The old must be forsaken for the sake of kindness. Yes, big nature changes are at the door.

God bless all who are still pure in their hearts.


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