
8 Ağustos 2018 Çarşamba


Yeshua told me that He had written His words. Unfortunately they have all been lost. He said all the religions were politics. Also He said that our minds were belong to our souls and our feelings were belong to our hearts. To become pure in our hearts we have to control our feelings very strictly.

After Yeshua had gone the apostles first permormance was to kill the couple who were followers of Yeshua because they had saved a small amount of their belongings for themselves. But this incident has been told to world that the husband and wife died by themselves superstitious? They were killed by the order of Yeshua's apostles. They had not understood Yeshua. Let alone saving His writings.

History is a total lie when it come to truth because people act according to their feelings not with their minds.

Again I was told by Yeshua that if He had shown all the miracles written in the Bible, then,  would all the people have believed in Him totally.

He said that He had the curing power but not all of a sudden. As curing in time partly. Enough to change their ways from death to life so that they carry on their normal life in society.

He said God never gives the authority to anybody to show miracles. God, Himself can make miracles only. In fact all His works are miracle.

Yeshua said "Always think scientifically upon the wordly subjects. Superstitious believes are sin against God."


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