
31 Ağustos 2018 Cuma


Contemporary culture increasingly suffers from problems of attention, over-stimulation, and stress, and a variety of personal and social discontents generated by deceptive body images.

The soul consciousness allows you to look deep into the situation and events of your life. You look into the past, present, and future of everything, and take a decision in the moment, accordingly.

When you allow the mind to wander, it creates the ring of circle, into the mind, which leads to chaos. With the soul consciousness, you remain aware of the mind. Your attention remains on the mind. You don’t get lost, into the illusory world of your mind, but when the mind takes you to the illusory world, you go with him but stay awake.

If you can remain aware of the mind, all the time, you don’t allow unnecessary things penetrate onto you, and you also drop the things, that doesn’t serve the purpose, with your life.

When you are aware at the moment, the mind begins to slowly leads you to the source.

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