
8 Ağustos 2018 Çarşamba



Yeshua is the first soul created by God from God's essence. He was created 2000 years ago just before virgin mary had given birth to him. Her pregnancy was spermless. The egg was fertilized without any sperm. Yeshua was an important part of the Holy Spirit already. He had been created as a pure spirit and immedistely alternatif he was created he was sent on earth.

Yeshua had been sent on Earth for a mission. To pull the strayed humanity to God's way. He was not the God. He had cried out loudly on the cross" Father, why have you forsaken me?" So ...had he cried out to himself? Also God is the  God of all the universe. He is not the God of the world only. If He lived on earth among us as a human what happened to the rest of the creation? Were they left godless? Let's be serious. He will not come on earth again. Second coming is a wrong expectation.

Time is near to be harvested for the human race. They have caused this result by their wickedness. Extinction is not of the world but of the human beings. Without us the world will recover herself and the nature will be clean and full of life again. During that cleaning and reviving processes there will be no interventions to block meteors anymore. There will be huge cracks and clefts on earth. Even the nuclear wastes will be totally cleaned. The world will be made ready for the new souls.

Unfortunately most of us will be annihilated by floods due to our own wrong and greedy acts. This is not the annihilation of the bodies only but including our souls which are our consciouses.

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