
20 Ağustos 2018 Pazartesi


Do not judge yourselves in accordance with the standards of this world, the result is that the religious person sees himself as being in accord with the message, because he/she can easily perceive a difference between himself and the people he views as being turned out of The Way. This false vision of righteousness implant within the minds a strong delusion that induces them to believe that they are fulfilling the Word of God.

Do not judge and compare yourselves to non-believers, and those who have already surrendered their soul over to the material world but compare yourselves with what is holy..

“Let no man beguile you in any wise: for (it will not be,) except the falling away come first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, he that opposeth and exalteth himself against all that is called God or that is worshipped; so that he sitteth in the temple of God, setting himself forth as God”

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